PhD position (3 years) Starting date: immediate - 1st January 2010
Research field: Biomaterials - Thin coatings – Nanotechnology - Nanobiomaterials
Group: Laboratory for Biomaterials and Bioengineering (LBB), Québec City, CANADA
Director: Prof. Diego Mantovani
Project The LBB is offering a 3 years PhD position for the development of highly-adherent and strongly-cohesive fluorocarbon nano-coatings for intravascular stents, and bio-mimicking coatings for cardio vascular implants. The proposed PhD project focuses on the surface treatments of metallic biomaterials with different plasma technologies (polymerization, functionnalisation, implantation, etching), complementary nanotechnology tools (AFM for imaging, in situ corrosion and mechanical properties), surface characterization techniques (XPS, ToF-SIMS, NEXAFS, X-PEEM), and others.
The PhD student will be involved in an international multidisciplinary project and it is foreseen that the student will be sent out for research stays to deepen the cooperation with our worldwide partners (France, Belgium, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Germany) and be involved about new methods/ideas and implementation issues at the cutting edge of the science. A co-tutelle de thèse with French partners might be envisaged depending the ability, personality, and motivation of the candidate.
Research at LBB is highly project-oriented, and students with different but complementary backgrounds are often working together on a common project, each exploring a specific facet. Skills A master degree in chemistry, physics, materials or engineering is highly recommended. Prior experience in vacuum, surface modification by plasma or plasma chemistry is considered as an added value, but not essential. Working languages are French and English, the candidate should rapidly become fluent in at least one of the language mentioned above. Work environment LBB is a project-oriented, efficiency-concerned, and truly cosmopolitan academic research Laboratory, with students and researchers with different but complementary backgrounds coming from Canada, France, Italy, Belgium, Iran, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, and others.
For more information on our works and our national and international partnerships, please visit
Laval University is the oldest university in Canada and second in North America, after Harvard, and remains one of the leading universities in Canada. The university campus is located within the city and provides everything needed for an enjoyable student life ( Québec City is a lively town in the heart of the province of Québec, known for its excellent cuisine, cultural life and is embedded in a fantastic landscape (
If you are interested in the position, please send your application (i.e. application letter, CV and references) by email to
Professor Diego Mantovani.
Contacts: E-mail:
Laval University, Laboratory of Bioengineering and Biomaterials
Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot, 1065, avenue de la Médecine Québec G1V 0A6,
QC, Canada
Phone: + 1-418-656-2131 ext. 6270;
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