Monday, September 08, 2014

Seminar dan Expose Hasil Penelitian Unggulan LIPI Bidang Pangan Nabati Tanggal 25 September 2014

Seminar dan Expose Hasil Penelitian Unggulan LIPI Bidang Pangan Nabati  dengan tema "Akselerasi Kemandirian Pangan dan Melalui Litbang Tanaman Pangan dan Pupuk Hayati"  pada Tanggal 25 September 2014 di IPB-International Convention Center-Botanical Square, Bogor.

Selengkapnya lihat file brosur

Seminar Peternakan: Peran Bioteknologi dalam Peningkatan Populasi dan Mutu Genetik Ternak Mendukung Kemadirian Daging dan Susu Nasional

FlyerSeminarPeternakan-banner1Peran Bioteknologi dalam Peningkatan Populasi dan Mutu Genetik Ternak Mendukung Kemadirian Daging dan Susu Nasional. Download flyer

1st International Symposium on Integrated Biorefinery(ISIBio) 2014 25 September 2014

isibio2014Biorefinery is the sustainable processing of integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, and chemicals from biomass. The biorefinery concept is analogous to today's petroleum refineries, which produce multiple fuels and products from petroleum. Industrial biorefineries have been  identified as the most promising route to the creation of a new domestic bio-based industry. 
The development of the integrated biorefinery was identified as crucial part of achieving alternative fuel production goals. Throughout its stages of development, the integrated biorefinery will utilize input from all of the other platforms as well as the existing biofuels industry. The research and development of biomasses  and the biochemical and thermochemical conversion platforms will allow the integrated biorefinery to continually increase its diversity and complexity further increasing effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.Biorefinery is the sustainable processing of integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, and chemicals from biomass. The biorefinery concept is analogous to today's petroleum refineries, which produce multiple fuels and products from petroleum. Industrial biorefineries have been identified as the most promising route to the creationof a new domestic bio-based industry.The development of the integrated biorefinery was identified as crucial part of achieving alternative fuel production goals. Throughout its stages of development, the integrated biorefinery will utilize input fromall of the other platforms as well as the existing biofuels industry. The research and development of biomasses and the biochemical and thermochemical conversioplatforms will allow the integrated biorefinery to continually increase its diversity and complexity further increasing effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.
The aims of International Symposium on IntegratedBiorefinery (ISIBio) are gathering renowned scientists, Professors and Research professionals, Young researchers, Industrial delegates and Student communities across the globe under a single roof, where they discuss the research, achievements and advancements in Biorefinery and Bioprocess Engineering. In this remarkable  event which is can brings togetherness for national and international alliance of large and medium industries, leading universities and research institutions making the conference a perfect  latform to share the experience about Integrated Biorefinery. Thesymposium will consist of plenary lectures, oral presentations,
and poster sessions.
The aims of International Symposium on Integrated Biorefinery (ISIBio) are gathering renowned scientists, Professors and Research professionals, Young researchers, Industrial delegates and Student communities across the globe under a single roof, where they discuss the research, achievements and advancements in Biorefinery and Bioprocess Engineering. In this remarkable event which is can brings togetherness for national and international alliance of large and medium industries, leading universities and research institutions making the conference a perfect platform to share the experience about Integrated Biorefinery. Thesymposium will consist of plenary lectures, oral presentations, and poster sessions.
For futher information see Brosur

Bioresources LIPI Expo (Conference-Seminar-Exhibition), di IPB ICC, Botani Square, Bogor 24-28 September 2014

logoseminar-bioresources2014Kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati sebagai Bioresources Indonesia berperan panting dalam kehidupan manusia. baik dari sisi ekonomi, kebudayaan dan ekologi, disamping merupakan salah satu modal dasar bagi berkembangnya beragam budaya dan suku bangsa di Indonesia. Manfaat Bioresources di Indonesia secara berkelanjutan bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia tergantung bagaimana kita dapat mengelola kekayaan tersebut secara optimal.

Untuk meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat akan Bioresources di Indonesia, Kedeputian IImu Pengetahuan Hayati (IPH) - Lembaga IImu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) bekerjasama dengan MCI Management menggelar Conference, Seminar & BIQRESOURCES LIPI Expo. Diharapkan dari kegiatan akbar ini dapat lebih membuka wawasan dan memberikan pengetahuan tentang pemanfaatan Bioresources di Indonesia.
Info Lebih lanjut lihat di BROSUR (PDF)

Seminar “Riset Biomedis berbasis pada keanekaragaman hayati dan teknologi DNA rekombinan”, Auditorium Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI - 12 September 2014

Salah satu permasalahan nasional yang mendasar di bidang kesehatan dan obat-obatan adalah ketersediaan bahan baku obat dan sediaan obat yang berkualitas. Ketergantungan impor bahan baku obat (95%) adalah penyebab utama mahalnya obat sehingga Indonesia belum dapat mandiri di sektor bahan baku obat. Saat ini LIPI telah mengembangkan pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati bioresources) sebagai bahan baku obat dan sediaan obat yang berkualitas.

Pemanfaatan bioresources diharapkan bisa mengurangi ketergantungan Indonesia akan bahan baku obat dari luar sekaligus menemukan obat-obat baru dengan berbagai target terapeutik (natural product base-drug discovery).

Kemajuan bidang bioteknologi pascagenomik telah merubahan arah industri farmasi berbasis sintesis kimia ke arah bioteknologi. Melalui teknologi DNA rekombinan, obat dan sediaan farmasi berbasis protein rekombinan berupa vaksin, diagnostik, antibodi, hormon dan enzim yang merupakan senyawa yang mempunyai nilai tinggi dapat dibuat (protein recombinant base-drug discovery).

Seminar bertema “Riset Biomedis berbasis pada keanekaragaman hayati dan teknologi DNA rekombinan” merupakan paparan hasil penelitian LIPI bidang kesehatan dan obat-obatan. Seminar ini diharapkan menjadi sarana kerja sama berbagai pihak dan menjadi langkah awal untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan saat ini. 

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan unduh leaflet seminar.

cover seminar

Tiga Tahun Lagi, Indonesia Yakin Lepas dari Impor Sapi

Jumat, 8 Januari 2016 Program sapi unggulan berhasil dikembangkan. - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) bekerjasa...