First Circulation
This call for expression of interest is a preliminary announcement in the preparation for The
Second US-Indonesia Kavli Frontiers of Sciences symposium, organized jointly by the US
National Academy of Science and the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), to be held in
July 2012 in Solo, Indonesia.
The Kavli-Frontiers of Science Series was inaugurated in Irvine, California on March 2-4,
1989, through a symposium on Frontiers of Science, organized by a committee of young
scholars with the support of the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation, and the National Academy of Sciences. These annual symposia bring together
some of the very best young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in their
fields in a format that encourages informal collectives as well as one-on-one discussions
among participants. Speakers are urged to focus their talks on current cutting-edges research
in their disciplines to colleagues outside their fields. Typically, these symposia are attended
by approximately 80 to 100 scholars, by up to a dozen senior colleagues, and by several
science writers. Attendees for the Frontiers of Science symposia are selected from the pool of
young researchers (under 45 years of age) who have made significant contribution to science.
The US series inspired bilateral symposia, organized jointly by the US National Academy of
Science and national academies from other countries, such as the UK, Japan, China and India.
Thus, the Frontiers of Science Symposia have become a fundamental instrument in bringing
together the best young scientists─the next generation of leaders─in the field of natural
sciences and engineering, in the US and around the world.
The first US-Indonesia Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium was held in July 2011 in
Bogor, Indonesia. The symposium covered five topics (alternative/renewable energy,
biodegradable plastics, climate change science and impacts, infectious disease, marine
microbial diversity, and rice genomics). A total of 70 participants (40 scientist from
Indonesia and 30 from USA) were selected by the Organizing Committee for the meeting:
eighteen participants gave oral presentations and 52 gave poster presentations, reporting on
current research within their disciplines to an academically trained and scientifically diverse
audience. They highlighted major research challenges, methodologies, and limitations to
progress at the frontiers of their respective fields. All attendees participated actively in
general discussion, during which they learned from and form collaborative relationships with
other young scientists.
Call for Expression of Interest
The Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) has formed an Indonesian Organizing
Committee of young scientists─chaired by Prof. Dr. Ismunandar, with Dr. Rika Raffiudin,
Dr. Dwi Susilaningsih, Dr. Ronny Martien, Dr. Marsia Gustiananda and Dr. Rohani Ambo
Rappe as members─to prepare the Second US-Indonesia Kavli Frontiers of Science
Symposium, in cooperation with the US Organizing Committee. This meeting will be held in
Solo in July 2012.
In developing the topics for the Second US-Indonesia Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium,
the Indonesian Organizing Committee invites expression of interest from young scientists of
Indonesia to participate in the Second US-Indonesia Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium.
Applicants should:
1. Have a doctoral degree and actively conduct/participate in research as shown by their
peer-reviewed international and national publications.
2. No more than 45 years old at the time of application.
3. Submit a brief CV (no more than 2 pages) highlighting their publication list.
4. Include a brief statement (short paragraph, no more than 500 words) on what you would
like to present at the meeting if you are selected.
Application should be written in English and sent to:; by no later than 2 February 2012.
Why You Should Apply
Selected participants will be sponsored (travel and accommodation) to attend the symposium.
You will have the opportunity to meet and discuss your work with 40 of the best US young
scientists, interested in collaborating with you in cutting edge research projects. The
symposium program would allow visits to your laboratory and institution by interested
participants. These are organized to create opportunities for and promote the development of
future collaborations.
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