SELAIN sebagai bahan sayuran atau bumbu masak, paprika ternyata kaya vitamin C, bahkan kandungannya lebih tinggi dari jeruk. Paparika juga banyak mengandung zat gizi dan dapat mencegah kanker, penyakit jantung koroner (PJK), stroke, diabetes melitus, dan mampu meningkatkan kualitas sperma.
Paprika (Capsicum annuum) adalah sejenis cabai yang berasa manis dan sedikit pedas. Dibandingkan cabai lain, paprika termasuk istimewa karena mengandung gizi yang sangat tinggi, terutama vitamin C. Kandungan vitamin C pada paprika jauh lebih tinggi daripada jeruk yang selama ini dikenal sebagai sumber vitamin C.
Setiap 100 gram paprika merah mengandung 190 mg vitamin C, tertinggi di antara jenis paprika lainnya. Sebaliknya, 100 gram jeruk hanya mengandung 30-50 mg vitamin C. Vitamin C dikenal sebagai senyawa yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam berbagai proses penting, mulai dari pembuatan kolagen (protein berserat yang membentuk jaringan ikat pada tulang), pengangkut lemak, pengangkut elekton dari berbagai reaksi enzimatik, pemacu gusi yang sehat, pengatur tingkat kolesterol, serta pemacu imunitas.
Selain itu, vitamin C sangat diperlukan tubuh untuk penyembuhan luka dan meningkatkan fungsi otak agar dapat bekerja maksimal. Kebutuhan tubuh akan vitamin C adalah 75 mg per hari untuk wanita dewasa dan 90 mg per hari untuk pria dewasa. Batas maksimum konsumsi vitamin C adalah 1.000 mg per hari.
Paprika juga kaya akan vitamin A dan betakaroten. Pada paprika merah mengandung 3.131 IU vitamin A, tertinggi dibandingakan jenis paprika lainnya. Vitamin A sangat diperlukan tubuh untuk mencegah penyakit mata, pertumbuhan sel, sistem kekebalan tubuh, reproduksi, serta menjaga kesehatan kulit.
Betakaroten adalah jenis antioksidan yang dapat berperan penting dalam mengurangi konsentrasi radikal peroksil. Kemampuan betakaroten bekerja sebagai antioksidan berasal dari kesanggupannya menstabilkan radikal berinti karbon. Karena betakaroten efektif pada konsentrasi rendah oksigen, betakaroten dapat melengkapi sifat antioksidan vitamin E yang efektif pada konsentrasi tinggi oksigen.
Betakaroten juga dikenal sebagai unsur pencegah kanker, khususnya kanker kulit dan paru. Beta karoten dapat menjangkau lebih banyak bagian-bagian tubuh dalam waktu relatif lebih lama dibandingkan vitamin A, sehingga memberikan perlindungan lebih optimal terhadap munculnya kanker.
The George Mateljan Foundation (2006) menyatakan bahwa kandungan vitamin B6 pada paprika termasuk kategori excellent. Hal itu disebabkan paprika mengandung vitamin B6 dengan tingkat densitas tinggi.
Vitamin B6 penting bagi otak untuk berfungsi normal, membantu membentuk protein, hormon, dan sel darah merah. Sebagian besar kandungan betakaroten paprika terkonsentrasi pada bagian di dekat kulit. Sama seperti sayuran lainnya, semakin tua warna paprika, betakaroten di dalamnya semakin banyak.
Kandungan vitamin B6 dan asam folat pada paprika sangat baik untuk mencegah aterosklerosis dan penyakit diabetes. Kedua vitamin tersebut sangat diperlukan tubuh untuk mereduksi kadar homosistein. Homosistein dihasilkan dari siklus metilasi di dalam tubuh.
Homosistein sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh karena dapat mengganggu sirkulasi darah dan memicu penyakit mematikan seperti jantung dan stroke. Paprika juga kaya akan serat (dietary fiber) yang akan membantu menekan angka kolesterol di dalam tubuh dan mencegah terjadinya kanker kolon.
Pada paprika merah, terdapat likopen yang cukup tinggi. Likopen merupakan pigmen karotenoid yang membawa warna merah. Pigmen ini termasuk ke dalam golongan senyawa fitokimia yang mudah ditemui pada buah-buahan yang berwarna merah seperti paprika. Likopen dikenal dengan berbagai manfaat seperti antikanker.
Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan di Universitas Yale pada 473 orang pria menemukan fakta bahwa pria yang bebas kanker prostat memiliki lebih banyak likopen dalam darahnya dibanding mereka yang sakit. Penelitian yang sama juga pernah dilakukan oleh Universitas Harvard pada tahun 2002, membuktikan bahwa laki-laki yang mengonsumsi likopen dalam jumlah banyak memiliki risiko penyakit kanker lebih rendah, khususnya kanker prostat.
Selain kanker prostat, konsumsi likopen juga dapat mereduksi berbagai jenis kanker lain. Sebuah studi di Iran seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Cook et al (1979) menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi likopen dapat mereduksi 39 persen kanker esofagal pada laki-laki.
De Vet HC et al (1991) melaporkan bahwa wanita yang mengonsumsi tomat minimal tiga buah dalam seminggu memiliki risiko terkena kanker tulang tengkuk 40 persen lebih rendah daripada mereka yang tidak mengonsumsinya. Helzlsouer et al (1996) melaporkan bahwa konsumsi likopen dapat mereduksi 7,4 persen risiko kanker rahim.
Likopen juga dilaporkan dapat mengatasi kanker lambung yang disebabkan infeksi Helicobacter pylori. Kehadiran likopen sangat bermanfaat untuk menghmbat oksidasi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri tersebut. Menurut Atanasova (1997), likopen juga dapat menghambat pembentukan N-nitrosamins yang dapat menyebabkan kanker perut.
Paprika juga merupakan antioksidan yang baik. Giovannucci (1999) melaporkan struktur likopen sangat berpotensial sebagai antioksidan. Tidak adanya struktur ring betaione menyebabkan likopen mempunyai aktivitas antoksidan yang sangat baik.
Struktur stereokimia pada likopen berbeda dengan jenis karoteniod lainnya. Struktur likopen tidak dapat dikonversi menjadi vitamin A dan diketahui lebih efisien dalam menangkap radikal bebas dibandingkan karotenoid lain.
Likopen juga diketahui mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan dua kali lebih kuat daripada betakaroten dan sepuluh kali lipat lebih kuat daripada vitamin E. Jadi, reaksi likopen sebagai antioksidan di dalam tubuh lebih baik daripada vitamin A, C, E, maupun mineral lain.
Tingkatkan Sperma
Konsumsi likopen pada paprika merah diyakini dapat meningkatkan kualitas seksual. Likopen diyakini dapat meningkatkan jumlah sperma, memperbaiki struktur sperma, dan meningkatkan agresivitasnya.
Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan di India terhadap 30 pasangan tidak subur membuktikan bahwa konsumsi likopen sebanyak 20 mg selama 3 bulan terus-menerus dapat meningkatkan jumlah sperma sebanyak 67 persen, memperbaiki struktur sperma sebanyak 63 persen, dan menaikkan kecepatan sperma sebanyak 73 persen.
Menurut All India Institute of Science New Delhi (2002), likopen merupakan salah satu dari 650 jenis karotenoid yang secara normal terdapat dalam konsentrasi tinggi pada testis. Jika konsentrasi likopen rendah, pria akan mudah mengalami ketidaksuburan.
Likopen pada paprika merah dapat mempertahankan fungsi mental dan fisik para lansia. Setelah masuk ke dalam aliran darah, likopen akan menangkap radikal bebas pada sel-sel tua dan memperbaiki sel-sel yang telah mengalami kerusakan.
Cara Mengolah, Memilih, dan Menyimpan yang Baik
Pengolahan paprika hendaknya dilakukan dengan benar agar tidak mengurangi nilai gizinya. Agar kadar vitamin C tak cepat menguap, sebaiknya paprika dimasukkan ke dalam masakan pada akhir proses memasak atau dicampur dengan salad.
Penyimpanan paprika hendaknya dilakukan secara tepat. Kandungan vitamin C bisa berkurang, bahkan hilang, jika paprika yang telah terbelah dibiarkan lama terkena udara. Menurut Irna (2005), kiat memilih dan menyimpan paprika yang baik adalah sebagai berikut:
* Pilih paprika yang kulitnya masih licin, berkilat, dan tidak kusam.
* Pilih paprika yang keras untuk memastikan bahwa kualitasnya masih bagus dan baru.
* Jika dibeli dalam keadaan terbungkus plastik, segera buka kemasannya agar tidak lembab.
* Simpan paprika dalam kantong plastik yang telah dilubangi sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam kulkas, sehingga tahan untuk jangka waktu lama.
* Paprika jangan dibiarkan dalam keadaan terbelah jika tidak akan langsung dimakan karena vitamin C yang terkandung di dalamnya bisa berkurang/hilang.@
Prof Dr. Ir Made Astawan
Ahli Teknologi Pangan Institut Pertanian Bogor
Editor: acandra
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Prebiotik Perkuat Buah Hati
ADA banyak cara yang dapat dipilih untuk memperkuat kekebalan tubuh anak. Salah satu yang dapat dipertimbangkan adalah memberi makanan mengandung prebiotik. Selain sangat aman, prebiotik dapat menumbuhkan bakteri baik pada sistem pencernaan dan mencegah timbulnya alergi pada anak.
Prebiotik dikenal sebagai bahan makanan yang dapat mendukung tumbuh kembangnya bakteri menguntungkan dalam sistem pencernaan. Sedangkan proboitik sendiri adalah kuman atau bakteri menguntungkan yang hidup di sistem pencernaan dan berfungsi menjaga kekebalan tubuh.
"Jadi prebiotik itu adalah makanan untuk kuman yang berfaedah atau yang disebut probiotik. Jangan sampai probiotik jumlahnya menurun di dalam tubuh. Oleh sebab itu, mengonsumsi prebiotik sangat baik dalam memperkuat kekebalan terutama dalam saluran cerna. Praktis, bila kekebalan saluran cerna baik, kekebalan tubuh secara umum juga akan baik," ungkap Dr Zakiudin Munasir, Sp. A (K), Ketua Divisi Alergi Imunologi, Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI/RSCM, di Jakarta, Rabu (22/10).
Selain berfungsi memelihara bakteri baik, prebiotik juga secara tidak langsung mampu menyeimbangkan sistem kekebalan tubuh sekaligus menekan risiko alergi. Dr Zakiudin menjelaskan, suplai prebiotik yang cukup akan membuat pertumbuhan bakteri menguntungkan lebih baik. Dengan kondisi ini, keseimbangan antara sel limfosit T-helper yang berperan dalam merespon alergi dan infeksi juga akan tercapai.
"Artinya, infeksi dan alergi akan seimbang. Dengan kekebalan tubuh yang baik, alergi pun bisa ditekan. Memang bakteri probiotik itu akan berkembang dengan baik kalau ada makanan (prebiotik) yang cukup. Dengan kata lain kuman-kuman (probiotik) ini berfungsi sebagai imunomodulator yang menyeimbangkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.," paparnya.
Sumber prebiotik lanjut Zakiudin dapat diperoleh dari berbagai jenis makanan dan buah-buahan. Sumber dari makanan alami seperti gandum, bawang, pisang , bawang putih, madu, dan kacang-kacangan. Ada pula yang dalam bentuk lain atau ditambahkan dalam susu formula.
"Salah satunya adalah pisang, selain buah ini juga kaya akan kalium. Tetapi kan anak tidak bisa terus diberi pisang, tentu harus mendapatkan dari sumber yang lain," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Medical Marketing Manager Nutricia, Dr Ashari Fitriyansyah menyatakan bahwa penambahan prebiotik FOS (frukto oligosakarida) dan GOS (galakto oligosakarida) dengan rasio 1: 9 dalam susu balita dapat memberi manfaat berarti bagi pertumbuhan dan kekebalan tubuh.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan komposisi prebiotik unik ini dapat memberi banyak keuntungan mulai dari meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri baik dan menekan yang buruk, menguatkan dinding saluran cerna dengan keasaman usus yang lebih rendah dan pola asam lemak rantai pendek, menurunkan insiden infeksi seperti ISPA maupun diare dan membantu proses pembentukan feses yang lunak dan pergerakan saluran cerna yang baik.
Prebiotik dikenal sebagai bahan makanan yang dapat mendukung tumbuh kembangnya bakteri menguntungkan dalam sistem pencernaan. Sedangkan proboitik sendiri adalah kuman atau bakteri menguntungkan yang hidup di sistem pencernaan dan berfungsi menjaga kekebalan tubuh.
"Jadi prebiotik itu adalah makanan untuk kuman yang berfaedah atau yang disebut probiotik. Jangan sampai probiotik jumlahnya menurun di dalam tubuh. Oleh sebab itu, mengonsumsi prebiotik sangat baik dalam memperkuat kekebalan terutama dalam saluran cerna. Praktis, bila kekebalan saluran cerna baik, kekebalan tubuh secara umum juga akan baik," ungkap Dr Zakiudin Munasir, Sp. A (K), Ketua Divisi Alergi Imunologi, Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI/RSCM, di Jakarta, Rabu (22/10).
Selain berfungsi memelihara bakteri baik, prebiotik juga secara tidak langsung mampu menyeimbangkan sistem kekebalan tubuh sekaligus menekan risiko alergi. Dr Zakiudin menjelaskan, suplai prebiotik yang cukup akan membuat pertumbuhan bakteri menguntungkan lebih baik. Dengan kondisi ini, keseimbangan antara sel limfosit T-helper yang berperan dalam merespon alergi dan infeksi juga akan tercapai.
"Artinya, infeksi dan alergi akan seimbang. Dengan kekebalan tubuh yang baik, alergi pun bisa ditekan. Memang bakteri probiotik itu akan berkembang dengan baik kalau ada makanan (prebiotik) yang cukup. Dengan kata lain kuman-kuman (probiotik) ini berfungsi sebagai imunomodulator yang menyeimbangkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.," paparnya.
Sumber prebiotik lanjut Zakiudin dapat diperoleh dari berbagai jenis makanan dan buah-buahan. Sumber dari makanan alami seperti gandum, bawang, pisang , bawang putih, madu, dan kacang-kacangan. Ada pula yang dalam bentuk lain atau ditambahkan dalam susu formula.
"Salah satunya adalah pisang, selain buah ini juga kaya akan kalium. Tetapi kan anak tidak bisa terus diberi pisang, tentu harus mendapatkan dari sumber yang lain," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Medical Marketing Manager Nutricia, Dr Ashari Fitriyansyah menyatakan bahwa penambahan prebiotik FOS (frukto oligosakarida) dan GOS (galakto oligosakarida) dengan rasio 1: 9 dalam susu balita dapat memberi manfaat berarti bagi pertumbuhan dan kekebalan tubuh.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan komposisi prebiotik unik ini dapat memberi banyak keuntungan mulai dari meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri baik dan menekan yang buruk, menguatkan dinding saluran cerna dengan keasaman usus yang lebih rendah dan pola asam lemak rantai pendek, menurunkan insiden infeksi seperti ISPA maupun diare dan membantu proses pembentukan feses yang lunak dan pergerakan saluran cerna yang baik.
Prebiotik untuk Kesehatan Kulit Kepala kerastase
Mendengar kata prebiotik yang langsung terbayang adalah produk makanan atau minuman yang berisi serat makanan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri baik di pencernaan. Namun siapa sangka kalau prebiotik juga punya manfaat besar untuk kesehatan kulit kepala.
Seperti halnya fungsi prebiotik pada usus manusia, prebiotik di kulit kepala juga bekerja untuk menyeimbangkan mikro flora di lapisan kulit kepala. Prebiotik ini juga berkhasiat mengembalikan keseimbangan dan menyempurnakan sistem pertahanan alaminya sehingga kemampuan kulit kepala untuk mempertahankan diri dari agresi eksternal pun meningkat.
Nah, kondisi kulit kepala yang sehat dan seimbang ini bisa membuat kita terbebas dari permasalahan kulit kepala seperti ketombe, kulit kepala kering dan berminyak. Tak cuma itu, kulit kepala yang terawat hingga lapisan hipodermis akan membuat pertumbuhan rambut terangsang dengan baik, kuat dan sehat dari akarnya.
Tapi, prebiotik yang dibutuhkan untuk keseimbangan mikroorganisme di kulit kepala ini hanya bisa kita temukan lewat produk perawatan rambut, bukan dengan mengoleskan yogurt, tomat, pisang, asparagus, atau makanan yang mengandung prebiotik lainnya di rambut dan kulit kepala.
Prebiotik untuk kulit kepala ini baru terdapat pada produk Biotic dari Kerastase yang menggunakan teknologi Bioflorine. Teknologi yang pertama kali didedikasikan untuk perawatan rambut ini berupa mikroorganisme dari sumber air panas pegunungan. Bioflorine tersebut kaya akan kandungan micro nutrient seperti potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B2, B8 dan B6, serta asam amino.
Menurut Ayu Kartika, Senior Product Manager Kerastase, rangkaian produk Kerastase Biotic ini berfungsi sebagai perawatan pencegahan, bukan mengatasi masalah rambut rusak. "Kulit kepala yang terawat merupakan dasar dari kondisi rambut yang sehat," katanya. Selain perawatan mingguan di salon-salon Kerastase, perawatan ini juga bisa dilakukan setiap hari di rumah dengan memakai shampo dan serum.
Seperti halnya fungsi prebiotik pada usus manusia, prebiotik di kulit kepala juga bekerja untuk menyeimbangkan mikro flora di lapisan kulit kepala. Prebiotik ini juga berkhasiat mengembalikan keseimbangan dan menyempurnakan sistem pertahanan alaminya sehingga kemampuan kulit kepala untuk mempertahankan diri dari agresi eksternal pun meningkat.
Nah, kondisi kulit kepala yang sehat dan seimbang ini bisa membuat kita terbebas dari permasalahan kulit kepala seperti ketombe, kulit kepala kering dan berminyak. Tak cuma itu, kulit kepala yang terawat hingga lapisan hipodermis akan membuat pertumbuhan rambut terangsang dengan baik, kuat dan sehat dari akarnya.
Tapi, prebiotik yang dibutuhkan untuk keseimbangan mikroorganisme di kulit kepala ini hanya bisa kita temukan lewat produk perawatan rambut, bukan dengan mengoleskan yogurt, tomat, pisang, asparagus, atau makanan yang mengandung prebiotik lainnya di rambut dan kulit kepala.
Prebiotik untuk kulit kepala ini baru terdapat pada produk Biotic dari Kerastase yang menggunakan teknologi Bioflorine. Teknologi yang pertama kali didedikasikan untuk perawatan rambut ini berupa mikroorganisme dari sumber air panas pegunungan. Bioflorine tersebut kaya akan kandungan micro nutrient seperti potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B2, B8 dan B6, serta asam amino.
Menurut Ayu Kartika, Senior Product Manager Kerastase, rangkaian produk Kerastase Biotic ini berfungsi sebagai perawatan pencegahan, bukan mengatasi masalah rambut rusak. "Kulit kepala yang terawat merupakan dasar dari kondisi rambut yang sehat," katanya. Selain perawatan mingguan di salon-salon Kerastase, perawatan ini juga bisa dilakukan setiap hari di rumah dengan memakai shampo dan serum.
Pencanangan Gerakan Nasional Kakao Fermentasi untuk Mendukung Industri Dalam Negeri
Jakarta 25 Nopember 2009. Pada tanggal 23 Nopember 2009 bertempat di Lapangan Andi Djemma, Belopa, Kabupaten Luwu, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Menteri Pertanian Ir. Suswono, MMA telah mencanangkan “Gerakan Nasional Kakao Fermentasi untuk mendukung Industri Dalam Negeri”.
Sumber Berita : Sekretariat Jenderal
Dalam acara yang dihadiri oleh beberapa pimpinan daerah penghasil kakao dan para petani yang tergabung dalam gabungan kelompok tani (Gapoktan) tersebut, Menteri Pertanian mengatakan bahwa acara Pencanangan Gerakan Nasional Kakao Fermentasi untuk mendukung Industri Dalam negeri ini memiliki arti yang sangat strategis dalam upaya mendorong peningkatan pembangunan agroindustri kakao nasional, khususnya dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi kakao fermentasi, bermutu dan memiliki nilai tambah, sekaligus dapat menyediakan bahan baku industri dalam negeri secara berkelanjutan.
Mentan juga menjelaskan bahwa pada saat ini luas areal tanaman kakao di Indonesia mencapai 1,5 juta hektar dengan produksi sebesar 790 ribu ton, yang menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara produsen kakao terbesar ketiga di dunia, setelah Pantai Gading dan Ghana. Pada tahun 2008 kakao tercatat memberikan sumbangan devisa sebesar US$ 1150 juta, yang merupakan penghasil devisa terbesar ketiga di sub sektor perkebunan setelah kelapa sawit dan karet. Di samping itu perkebunan kakao mampu memberikan sumbangsih terhadap keluarga pekebun, karena hampir 93% kebun kakao dimiliki dan diusahakan oleh rakyat, yang melibatkan hampir 1,5 juta kepala keluarga.
Dalam kaitannya dengan penyediaan bahan baku bagi industri dalam negeri, Mentan menambahkan bahwa kita masih menghadapi berbagai kendala, khususnya masalah mutu. Kita belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan industri dalam negeri karena alasan produksi biji kakao kita masih bermutu rendah dan belum difermentasi. Permasalahan mutu ini dapat berimplkasi terhadap pengurangan nilai atau penalti, bahkan penolakan dari industri pengolahan kakao maupun dari negara pengimpor. Hal ini menyebabkan citra kakao kita di mata dunia menjadi rendah. Saat ini terdapat 16 unit industri kakao nasional dengan kapasitas terpasang sekitar 293 ribu ton/tahun. Namun demikian hanya 3 unit yang beroperasi, sedangkan 9 unit berhenti sementara, 3 unit berhenti total dan 1 unit belum beroperasi.
Kebijakan pengembangan kakao pada saat ini dan di masa depan harus diarahkan kepada upaya mewujudkan agroindustri kakao yang berdaya saing dan berkeadilan, sehingga dapat memberikan kesejahteraan bagi pelaku usahanya, khususnya petani secara berkelanjutan. Menteri Pertanian selanjutnya mengharapkan agar penerapan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) wajib bagi biji kakao dan dapat diterapkan mulai tahun 2010 yang akan datang.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut Menteri Pertanian menghimbau agar industri kakao yang saat ini masih tertidur dapat segera bangkit untuk mengolah biji kakao menjadi produk coklat, dan bila perlu kita tidak lagi mengekspor kakao dalam bentuk biji.
Sumber: Biro Hukmas Deptan
Sumber Berita : Sekretariat Jenderal
Dalam acara yang dihadiri oleh beberapa pimpinan daerah penghasil kakao dan para petani yang tergabung dalam gabungan kelompok tani (Gapoktan) tersebut, Menteri Pertanian mengatakan bahwa acara Pencanangan Gerakan Nasional Kakao Fermentasi untuk mendukung Industri Dalam negeri ini memiliki arti yang sangat strategis dalam upaya mendorong peningkatan pembangunan agroindustri kakao nasional, khususnya dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi kakao fermentasi, bermutu dan memiliki nilai tambah, sekaligus dapat menyediakan bahan baku industri dalam negeri secara berkelanjutan.
Mentan juga menjelaskan bahwa pada saat ini luas areal tanaman kakao di Indonesia mencapai 1,5 juta hektar dengan produksi sebesar 790 ribu ton, yang menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara produsen kakao terbesar ketiga di dunia, setelah Pantai Gading dan Ghana. Pada tahun 2008 kakao tercatat memberikan sumbangan devisa sebesar US$ 1150 juta, yang merupakan penghasil devisa terbesar ketiga di sub sektor perkebunan setelah kelapa sawit dan karet. Di samping itu perkebunan kakao mampu memberikan sumbangsih terhadap keluarga pekebun, karena hampir 93% kebun kakao dimiliki dan diusahakan oleh rakyat, yang melibatkan hampir 1,5 juta kepala keluarga.
Dalam kaitannya dengan penyediaan bahan baku bagi industri dalam negeri, Mentan menambahkan bahwa kita masih menghadapi berbagai kendala, khususnya masalah mutu. Kita belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan industri dalam negeri karena alasan produksi biji kakao kita masih bermutu rendah dan belum difermentasi. Permasalahan mutu ini dapat berimplkasi terhadap pengurangan nilai atau penalti, bahkan penolakan dari industri pengolahan kakao maupun dari negara pengimpor. Hal ini menyebabkan citra kakao kita di mata dunia menjadi rendah. Saat ini terdapat 16 unit industri kakao nasional dengan kapasitas terpasang sekitar 293 ribu ton/tahun. Namun demikian hanya 3 unit yang beroperasi, sedangkan 9 unit berhenti sementara, 3 unit berhenti total dan 1 unit belum beroperasi.
Kebijakan pengembangan kakao pada saat ini dan di masa depan harus diarahkan kepada upaya mewujudkan agroindustri kakao yang berdaya saing dan berkeadilan, sehingga dapat memberikan kesejahteraan bagi pelaku usahanya, khususnya petani secara berkelanjutan. Menteri Pertanian selanjutnya mengharapkan agar penerapan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) wajib bagi biji kakao dan dapat diterapkan mulai tahun 2010 yang akan datang.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut Menteri Pertanian menghimbau agar industri kakao yang saat ini masih tertidur dapat segera bangkit untuk mengolah biji kakao menjadi produk coklat, dan bila perlu kita tidak lagi mengekspor kakao dalam bentuk biji.
Sumber: Biro Hukmas Deptan
ASEAN-KOREA SYMPOSIUM AND WORKSHOP On Biorefinery Technology for Sustainable Production of Biofuel and Industrial Biochemicals...
ASEAN-KOREA SYMPOSIUM AND WORKSHOP On Biorefinery Technology for Sustainable Production of Biofuel and Industrial Biochemicals: Converging biorefinery to response the climate change
Time and Venue :
18-20 February 2010
Mercure Convention Center
Ancol Jakarta, Indonesia
Joint cooperation between ASEAN Secreatariat, Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) and Indonesian Biotechnology Consortium
Organizing Committee:
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
JL. Raya Bogor Km 46 Cibinong Bogor 16911 Indonesia
Tel. +62-21-8754627 (cq. Cahya Ningrum), +62-21-8754587 ext.119 or 87910507 (cq. Swastika Praharyawan)
Fax. +62-21-8754588
In this symposium and workshop will be discussed about the state of the art and challenging aspect related production of biofuel and industrial chemicals such as to:
1. assess all current plant for their energy production capacity and identify those adaptations that would improve the current output in a short time span;
2. define and improve crop and forest tree species, and their by-products, for the production of bio-energy and biofuels,
3. improve plant yield per unit surface and enhance water- and nutrient-use efficiency,
4. identify new, economically competitive “green” systems for energy production (e.g., microalgae), develop new high-energy plant biomass production systems with minimal energy input requirements (improvement of agricultural practices) and higher energy retention
5. develop third-generation “green” systems (plants or microalgae) for coupled production of biochemicals and energy.
1. To update the state of the art of the biorefinery technology for production of biofuel and industrial biochemicals
2. To share the knowledge and experiences from outstanding experts and practical industries from ASEAN countries and Korea
3. To strengthen the capability of ASEAN countries for the implemention of the white technology for green products and bioenergy
4. To accelerate the contribution to reduce problems affecting global warming
5. To establish a South East Asia Network on Biorefinery Technology
Tentative Program
Day one: 18 February, 2010
08.00 – 09.00 Registration
09.00 – 09.30 Opening ceremony
09.30 – 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 – 11.00 Keynote speeches
11.00 – 12.00 Presentation Session I
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Presentation Session II
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 Presentation Session III
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner and Cultural Night
Day two: 19 February, 2010 (Paralel Session)
1. Workshop on Building of South East Asia Network on Biorefinery Technology
08.30 – 09.30 Keynote speakers on South East Asia Network
09.30 – 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 – 12.00 Group Discussion I
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Group Discussion II
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 General Discussion and Closing
2. Symposium on Biorefinery Technology
08.30 – 09.30 Oral Presentation I
09.30 – 10.00 Coffee break and Poster Session I
10.00 – 12.00 Oral Presentation II
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.00 Poster Session II
14.00 _ 15.30 Oral Presentation III
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break and Poster session II
15.30 – 16.30 Oral Presentation IV
16.30 – 17.00 Closing Ceremony
3. Day Three : 20 February, 2010
Excursion and City Tour (Old City Batavia, Indonesian Miniature Park, Dreamland Ancol Park, Sea World and Fantasy World, etc.)
Keynote and Invited Speakers
Prof. Young Je Yoo Seoul National University – Korea
Prof. Seung Koo Song Pusan National University
Prof. Don- Hee Park Chonnam University – Korea
Prof. Vorloop*) VTI Germany
Prof. T. Watanabe*) Kyoto Unversity, Japan
Dr. Aparat Mahakant Bioscience Department(TISTR), Thailand
Prof. K. Miyamoto Osaka University, Japan
Prof. Joseph Auresenia*) De La Salle University – Phillipine
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Poonsuk Prasertsan*) Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Prof. Nguyen Land Dung Ph.D. *) Vietnam National University, Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Manaf Bin Ali*) University Putra Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Nasikin, M.Eng*) University of Indonesia
Dr. Heriyanto University of Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Koesnandar *) Agency for Technology Assesment and Application, BPPT, Indonesia
Prof. Dr, Bambang Prasetya Research Center for Biotechnology-LIPI, Indonesia
Dr. Dwi Susilaningsih Research Center for Biotechnology-LIPI, Indonesia
Representative of ASEAN Countries Will be confirmed after ASEAN Com. Science and Tech (COST) Meeting at Singapore 1-7 Nov 2009
*) to be confirmed
Important Dates
Deadline for abstract submission, 20 December 2009Notification of accepted abstract, 3 January 2010Deadline for full paper submission, 3 February 2010
Abstract Preparations
(font arial size 11pt single spacing) 1. Title
2. Complete name of Authors & addresses
3. Body text not more than 250 words
4. Keywords
Manuscripts Preparations
1. Manuscripts must be in English, typewritten using Word, Arial Narrow, single space, 3 cm of left and right margin and 2.5 cm of top and bottom margin of a Letter paper size. Title is printed with font size of 14 pt, Authors are of 12 pt, and Text is of 10 pt.
2. Manuscripts compositions:
1. Title
2. Complete name of Authors & addresses
3. Abstract
4. Keywords
5. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions (and Suggestions), References.
3. Manuscripts have not been published elsewhere.
4. Manuscripts could be sent to the Editor address in the form of hardcopy and software file by mail; or electronic file through e-mail address:
Registration Information
(not for Invited Speakers and ASEAN Delegates)
Indonesian Participants:- KBI member : IDR 300.000
– non KBI member : IDR 400.000
Foreign Participants:
Symposium package: USD 80 (for symposium fee only)
Gold package: (package for 1 person) USD 345 (for symposium fee, a hotel room and breakfast)
Silver package: (package for 2 persons) USD 450 (for symposium fee, sharing a twin bed room and breakfast for two)
Symposium fee covering : Name Tag, Certificate, Seminar Kits, Program Book, Coffee break, Lunch. Dinner is excluded except for participants with Gold and Silver packages.
Maximum number of participants: 200 persons
Contact for Registration:
Cahya Ningrum / Swastika Praharyawan
Symposium & Workshop OC Secretary
Fax number: +62-21-8754588
Bank account:cq. Konsorsium Bioteknologi Indonesia, 133-00-0521555-3
SWIFT CODE BEIIIDJABank Mandiri kantor kas cabang Cibinong
» Kontak : P2 Bioteknologi
Time and Venue :
18-20 February 2010
Mercure Convention Center
Ancol Jakarta, Indonesia
Joint cooperation between ASEAN Secreatariat, Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) and Indonesian Biotechnology Consortium
Organizing Committee:
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
JL. Raya Bogor Km 46 Cibinong Bogor 16911 Indonesia
Tel. +62-21-8754627 (cq. Cahya Ningrum), +62-21-8754587 ext.119 or 87910507 (cq. Swastika Praharyawan)
Fax. +62-21-8754588
In this symposium and workshop will be discussed about the state of the art and challenging aspect related production of biofuel and industrial chemicals such as to:
1. assess all current plant for their energy production capacity and identify those adaptations that would improve the current output in a short time span;
2. define and improve crop and forest tree species, and their by-products, for the production of bio-energy and biofuels,
3. improve plant yield per unit surface and enhance water- and nutrient-use efficiency,
4. identify new, economically competitive “green” systems for energy production (e.g., microalgae), develop new high-energy plant biomass production systems with minimal energy input requirements (improvement of agricultural practices) and higher energy retention
5. develop third-generation “green” systems (plants or microalgae) for coupled production of biochemicals and energy.
1. To update the state of the art of the biorefinery technology for production of biofuel and industrial biochemicals
2. To share the knowledge and experiences from outstanding experts and practical industries from ASEAN countries and Korea
3. To strengthen the capability of ASEAN countries for the implemention of the white technology for green products and bioenergy
4. To accelerate the contribution to reduce problems affecting global warming
5. To establish a South East Asia Network on Biorefinery Technology
Tentative Program
Day one: 18 February, 2010
08.00 – 09.00 Registration
09.00 – 09.30 Opening ceremony
09.30 – 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 – 11.00 Keynote speeches
11.00 – 12.00 Presentation Session I
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Presentation Session II
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 Presentation Session III
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner and Cultural Night
Day two: 19 February, 2010 (Paralel Session)
1. Workshop on Building of South East Asia Network on Biorefinery Technology
08.30 – 09.30 Keynote speakers on South East Asia Network
09.30 – 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 – 12.00 Group Discussion I
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Group Discussion II
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 – 17.00 General Discussion and Closing
2. Symposium on Biorefinery Technology
08.30 – 09.30 Oral Presentation I
09.30 – 10.00 Coffee break and Poster Session I
10.00 – 12.00 Oral Presentation II
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.00 Poster Session II
14.00 _ 15.30 Oral Presentation III
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break and Poster session II
15.30 – 16.30 Oral Presentation IV
16.30 – 17.00 Closing Ceremony
3. Day Three : 20 February, 2010
Excursion and City Tour (Old City Batavia, Indonesian Miniature Park, Dreamland Ancol Park, Sea World and Fantasy World, etc.)
Keynote and Invited Speakers
Prof. Young Je Yoo Seoul National University – Korea
Prof. Seung Koo Song Pusan National University
Prof. Don- Hee Park Chonnam University – Korea
Prof. Vorloop*) VTI Germany
Prof. T. Watanabe*) Kyoto Unversity, Japan
Dr. Aparat Mahakant Bioscience Department(TISTR), Thailand
Prof. K. Miyamoto Osaka University, Japan
Prof. Joseph Auresenia*) De La Salle University – Phillipine
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Poonsuk Prasertsan*) Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Prof. Nguyen Land Dung Ph.D. *) Vietnam National University, Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Manaf Bin Ali*) University Putra Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Nasikin, M.Eng*) University of Indonesia
Dr. Heriyanto University of Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Koesnandar *) Agency for Technology Assesment and Application, BPPT, Indonesia
Prof. Dr, Bambang Prasetya Research Center for Biotechnology-LIPI, Indonesia
Dr. Dwi Susilaningsih Research Center for Biotechnology-LIPI, Indonesia
Representative of ASEAN Countries Will be confirmed after ASEAN Com. Science and Tech (COST) Meeting at Singapore 1-7 Nov 2009
*) to be confirmed
Important Dates
Deadline for abstract submission, 20 December 2009Notification of accepted abstract, 3 January 2010Deadline for full paper submission, 3 February 2010
Abstract Preparations
(font arial size 11pt single spacing) 1. Title
2. Complete name of Authors & addresses
3. Body text not more than 250 words
4. Keywords
Manuscripts Preparations
1. Manuscripts must be in English, typewritten using Word, Arial Narrow, single space, 3 cm of left and right margin and 2.5 cm of top and bottom margin of a Letter paper size. Title is printed with font size of 14 pt, Authors are of 12 pt, and Text is of 10 pt.
2. Manuscripts compositions:
1. Title
2. Complete name of Authors & addresses
3. Abstract
4. Keywords
5. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions (and Suggestions), References.
3. Manuscripts have not been published elsewhere.
4. Manuscripts could be sent to the Editor address in the form of hardcopy and software file by mail; or electronic file through e-mail address:
Registration Information
(not for Invited Speakers and ASEAN Delegates)
Indonesian Participants:- KBI member : IDR 300.000
– non KBI member : IDR 400.000
Foreign Participants:
Symposium package: USD 80 (for symposium fee only)
Gold package: (package for 1 person) USD 345 (for symposium fee, a hotel room and breakfast)
Silver package: (package for 2 persons) USD 450 (for symposium fee, sharing a twin bed room and breakfast for two)
Symposium fee covering : Name Tag, Certificate, Seminar Kits, Program Book, Coffee break, Lunch. Dinner is excluded except for participants with Gold and Silver packages.
Maximum number of participants: 200 persons
Contact for Registration:
Cahya Ningrum / Swastika Praharyawan
Symposium & Workshop OC Secretary
Fax number: +62-21-8754588
Bank account:cq. Konsorsium Bioteknologi Indonesia, 133-00-0521555-3
SWIFT CODE BEIIIDJABank Mandiri kantor kas cabang Cibinong
» Kontak : P2 Bioteknologi
Friday, December 04, 2009
Kopi, Baik untuk Hati
Anda peminum kopi? Jika benar begitu, ada kabar baik untuk Anda. Riset mutakhir yang dilakukan para peneliti Amerika Serikat (AS) menunjukkan, kebiasaan minum kopi ternyata bermanfaat untuk kesehatan, utamanya kesehatan hati (lever).
Beberapa cangkir saja sehari bisa membantu menghentikan pemburukan penyakit lever,'' kata Neal Freedman, peneliti dari Lembaga Kanker Nasional (NCI) AS, yang memimpin riset ini.
Studi ini melibatkan 766 orang. Mereka adalah penderita hepatitis C yang tidak berhasil dengan terapi pengobatan antivirus. Kepada mereka, para peneliti menanyakan, seberapa banyak kopi yang mereka konsumsi setiap hari. Satu cangkir, dua cangkir, atau lima cangkir?
Pada riset yang berlangsung 3,8 tahun ini, ke-766 penderita hepatitis C itu diamati setiap tiga bulan. Dilakukan pula biopsi lever untuk memastikan progresivitas penyakit mereka.
Pada akhir riset, para ahli melihat, penderita hepatitis C kronik dan pengidap penyakit lever tahap lanjut yang minum tiga cangkir kopi atau lebih per hari, maka risiko penyakit mereka mengalami pemburukan menurun 53 persen dibanding penderita yang tidak minum kopi.
Anda tentu bertanya, bagaimana kopi bisa mendatangkan manfaat sebegitu besar bagi lever? Para peneliti pun masih terus mencari jawaban pastinya. Dalam hal ini, ada beberapa dugaan. Salah satunya, asupan kopi mengurangi risiko seseorang terkena penyakit diabetes mellitus tipe dua. Penyakit diabetes memang kerap dikaitkan dengan munculnya penyakit lever. Dugaan lain, asupan kopi telah mengurangi inflamasi (peradangan), penyebab fibrosis dan sirosis pada lever.
Pengaruh baik kopi terhadap lever sebenarnya bukan baru kali ini diteliti. Beberapa studi sebelumnya menunjukkan, kafein mampu menghambat kanker hati pada tikus.
Lantas, bagaimana dengan kafein pada teh, apakah juga bermanfaat? Studi oleh para ahli dari Lembaga Kanker Nasional AS ini menunjukkan, kafein pada teh, baik teh hijau maupun teh hitam, hanya berdampak kecil saja pada lever.
Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), setiap tahunnya ada tiga sampai empat juta orang di seluruh dunia yang terinfeksi hepatitis C. Sekitar 70 persen dari jumlah itu berkembang menjadi kronik dan di belakang hari bisa menjadi sirosis atau kanker. bbc/wachidah
Sumber :
Rabu, 11 November 2009 pukul 11:00:00
Beberapa cangkir saja sehari bisa membantu menghentikan pemburukan penyakit lever,'' kata Neal Freedman, peneliti dari Lembaga Kanker Nasional (NCI) AS, yang memimpin riset ini.
Studi ini melibatkan 766 orang. Mereka adalah penderita hepatitis C yang tidak berhasil dengan terapi pengobatan antivirus. Kepada mereka, para peneliti menanyakan, seberapa banyak kopi yang mereka konsumsi setiap hari. Satu cangkir, dua cangkir, atau lima cangkir?
Pada riset yang berlangsung 3,8 tahun ini, ke-766 penderita hepatitis C itu diamati setiap tiga bulan. Dilakukan pula biopsi lever untuk memastikan progresivitas penyakit mereka.
Pada akhir riset, para ahli melihat, penderita hepatitis C kronik dan pengidap penyakit lever tahap lanjut yang minum tiga cangkir kopi atau lebih per hari, maka risiko penyakit mereka mengalami pemburukan menurun 53 persen dibanding penderita yang tidak minum kopi.
Anda tentu bertanya, bagaimana kopi bisa mendatangkan manfaat sebegitu besar bagi lever? Para peneliti pun masih terus mencari jawaban pastinya. Dalam hal ini, ada beberapa dugaan. Salah satunya, asupan kopi mengurangi risiko seseorang terkena penyakit diabetes mellitus tipe dua. Penyakit diabetes memang kerap dikaitkan dengan munculnya penyakit lever. Dugaan lain, asupan kopi telah mengurangi inflamasi (peradangan), penyebab fibrosis dan sirosis pada lever.
Pengaruh baik kopi terhadap lever sebenarnya bukan baru kali ini diteliti. Beberapa studi sebelumnya menunjukkan, kafein mampu menghambat kanker hati pada tikus.
Lantas, bagaimana dengan kafein pada teh, apakah juga bermanfaat? Studi oleh para ahli dari Lembaga Kanker Nasional AS ini menunjukkan, kafein pada teh, baik teh hijau maupun teh hitam, hanya berdampak kecil saja pada lever.
Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), setiap tahunnya ada tiga sampai empat juta orang di seluruh dunia yang terinfeksi hepatitis C. Sekitar 70 persen dari jumlah itu berkembang menjadi kronik dan di belakang hari bisa menjadi sirosis atau kanker. bbc/wachidah
Sumber :
Rabu, 11 November 2009 pukul 11:00:00
Metode Baru Pertanian Hasilkan Panen Gabah 17 ton/Hektare
Penulis : Akhmad Safuan
Antara/Seno Soegondo
PATI--MI: Kelompok tani Tani Rukun di Dusun Cepoko, Desa Nagel, Kecamatan Dukuh Sekti, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah temukan metode baru penanaman padi berhasil menghasilkan panenan mencapai 16 - 17 ton/hektare diatas rata-rata 6 - 7 ton/hektare gabah kering giling.
Ketua Serikat Petani Pati Mohammad Farid Makruf sebagai pembina kelompok tani tersebut mengatakan hasil penan ujicoba metode baru bidang pertanian ini sangat mengejutkan, selain hasil panen jauh di atas rata-rata panen pada umumnya, juga terjadi penghematan pengeluaran (modal) hingga 30 - 40 persen dari kebiasaan petani di Indonesia.
Metode baru bidang pertanian ini, demikian Farid, merupakan upaya dilakukan kelompok tani Tani Rukun, Pati dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan pangan nasional, dimana pada tahun 2020 mendatang sesuai bertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia paling tidak dengan luas lahan yang ada sekarang ini harus bisa menghasilkan 15 ton/hektare.
"Saya melakukan penelitian dan menimba ilmu dari berbagai pakar pertanian di Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta dan bahkan luar Jawa selama empat tahun untuk dapat menghasilkan produksi gabah yang cukup baik ini," kata farid.
Ditanya tentang metode dan penghematan yang dilakukan, menurut Farid ternyata sangat sederhana yaitu selain sistem pengolahan lahan dari mulai pencangkulan yang berbeda dengan penggunaan traktor dan juga sistem penanaman yang dilakukan seperti pada umumnya berjarak maksimum 20 cm tetapi kini direnggangkan menjadi 23 0 40 cm/padi dengan jumlah tanaman hanya 1 - 2 batang saja.
Demikian dalam pemanfaatan pupuk kandang dan kencing sapi dilakukan, ujar Farid, namun penggunaan pupuk urea tetap dilakukan meskipun dalam jumlah yang jauh dikurangi, yaitu dari kebiasaan petani menggunakan 250 kg/Ha menjadi 150 kg/hektare. "Sedangkan pengusir hama atau pengganggu tanaman, kita menggunakan empon-empon dan bumbu dapur seperti laos, jahe, kunyit, bawang," tambahnya.
Pada uji coba pertama ini sebanyak 22 Hektare sawah yang ada di dusun Cepoko, demikian farid, satu hektare dilakukan dengan metode baru dan pengawasan ketat dan menghasilkana panenan sebanyak 17,5 ton, sedangkan 21 hektare lainnya hanya menggunakan setengah metode dan pengawasan standar menghasilkan 8 - 10 ton/hektare. (AS/OL-02)
Sumber :
Senin, 09 November 2009 12:34 WIB
Antara/Seno Soegondo
PATI--MI: Kelompok tani Tani Rukun di Dusun Cepoko, Desa Nagel, Kecamatan Dukuh Sekti, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah temukan metode baru penanaman padi berhasil menghasilkan panenan mencapai 16 - 17 ton/hektare diatas rata-rata 6 - 7 ton/hektare gabah kering giling.
Ketua Serikat Petani Pati Mohammad Farid Makruf sebagai pembina kelompok tani tersebut mengatakan hasil penan ujicoba metode baru bidang pertanian ini sangat mengejutkan, selain hasil panen jauh di atas rata-rata panen pada umumnya, juga terjadi penghematan pengeluaran (modal) hingga 30 - 40 persen dari kebiasaan petani di Indonesia.
Metode baru bidang pertanian ini, demikian Farid, merupakan upaya dilakukan kelompok tani Tani Rukun, Pati dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan pangan nasional, dimana pada tahun 2020 mendatang sesuai bertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia paling tidak dengan luas lahan yang ada sekarang ini harus bisa menghasilkan 15 ton/hektare.
"Saya melakukan penelitian dan menimba ilmu dari berbagai pakar pertanian di Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta dan bahkan luar Jawa selama empat tahun untuk dapat menghasilkan produksi gabah yang cukup baik ini," kata farid.
Ditanya tentang metode dan penghematan yang dilakukan, menurut Farid ternyata sangat sederhana yaitu selain sistem pengolahan lahan dari mulai pencangkulan yang berbeda dengan penggunaan traktor dan juga sistem penanaman yang dilakukan seperti pada umumnya berjarak maksimum 20 cm tetapi kini direnggangkan menjadi 23 0 40 cm/padi dengan jumlah tanaman hanya 1 - 2 batang saja.
Demikian dalam pemanfaatan pupuk kandang dan kencing sapi dilakukan, ujar Farid, namun penggunaan pupuk urea tetap dilakukan meskipun dalam jumlah yang jauh dikurangi, yaitu dari kebiasaan petani menggunakan 250 kg/Ha menjadi 150 kg/hektare. "Sedangkan pengusir hama atau pengganggu tanaman, kita menggunakan empon-empon dan bumbu dapur seperti laos, jahe, kunyit, bawang," tambahnya.
Pada uji coba pertama ini sebanyak 22 Hektare sawah yang ada di dusun Cepoko, demikian farid, satu hektare dilakukan dengan metode baru dan pengawasan ketat dan menghasilkana panenan sebanyak 17,5 ton, sedangkan 21 hektare lainnya hanya menggunakan setengah metode dan pengawasan standar menghasilkan 8 - 10 ton/hektare. (AS/OL-02)
Sumber :
Senin, 09 November 2009 12:34 WIB
[Netherlands] Amsterdam Merit Scholarships (AMS) at University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam Merit Scholarships (AMS) for Master Program students
The University of Amsterdam aims to attract the world`s brightest students to its international classrooms. Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area can apply for an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship.
Requirements for eligibility
Candidates wishing to take part in the Amsterdam Merit Scholarship programme must meet the following requirements:
1.Hold a non-EU/EEA passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (`Studiefinanciering`; for more information please refer to: The scholarship office should be notified as soon as possible of any change in nationality, type of residence permit, and/or possible `Studiefinanciering` support, throughout the academic year.
2.Be fully admitted to a degree programme at the Universiteit van Amsterdam which is registered at the Central Register of Higher Education Programmes (CROHO; for more information refer to:
For more information about general application requirements, please consult the individual programme descriptions at for study programmes taught in English, or for study programmes taught in Dutch. Scholarship continuation is not guaranteed when a candidate changes his or her degree programme.
3.Be admitted to a bachelor`s or master`s programme at the Universiteit van Amsterdam for the first time. AMS will not be awarded to candidates who are admitted for a second bachelor`s or master`s programme at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. 4.Be able to comply with Dutch visa regulations.
5.Be enrolled at the UvA as full-time student for the academic year and the programme for which the scholarship is awarded.
6.The candidate should not receive a full coverage scholarship for the same period of study as the AMS scholarship. Notify the scholarships office when another full scholarship such as HSP, Alban, NFP, etc. has been awarded and which scholarship has been chosen to accept.
7.Scholarship continuation for subsequent year(s) of study depends upon satisfactory study progress. The programme you will be enrolled in, as it depends on the curriculum and rules and regulations of the department, sets the standard for satisfactory progress, the time and manner in which progress will be measured. Please be advised that you are expected to gain approximately 80% of credits in any one year.
The programme you wish to apply for might set extra requirements such as academic and language requirements. Please see the faculty information below for more information.
The faculties and international schools award scholarships themselves; as such, regulations may vary. Students interested in an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship may contact the faculty or international school offering the study programme of their choice for more information.
Here the faculty list:
- Amsterdam Medical Centre (AMC)
- Amsterdam Law School (ALS)
- Faculty of Economics and Business
Students enrolling at the Faculty of Economics and Business may request more information on Amsterdam Merit Scholarships by e-mail:
- Faculty of Science
- Graduate School for Humanities
- Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS)
More information, visit: Amsterdam Merit Scholarships
college scholarships
Sumber info :
The University of Amsterdam aims to attract the world`s brightest students to its international classrooms. Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area can apply for an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship.
Requirements for eligibility
Candidates wishing to take part in the Amsterdam Merit Scholarship programme must meet the following requirements:
1.Hold a non-EU/EEA passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (`Studiefinanciering`; for more information please refer to: The scholarship office should be notified as soon as possible of any change in nationality, type of residence permit, and/or possible `Studiefinanciering` support, throughout the academic year.
2.Be fully admitted to a degree programme at the Universiteit van Amsterdam which is registered at the Central Register of Higher Education Programmes (CROHO; for more information refer to:
For more information about general application requirements, please consult the individual programme descriptions at for study programmes taught in English, or for study programmes taught in Dutch. Scholarship continuation is not guaranteed when a candidate changes his or her degree programme.
3.Be admitted to a bachelor`s or master`s programme at the Universiteit van Amsterdam for the first time. AMS will not be awarded to candidates who are admitted for a second bachelor`s or master`s programme at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. 4.Be able to comply with Dutch visa regulations.
5.Be enrolled at the UvA as full-time student for the academic year and the programme for which the scholarship is awarded.
6.The candidate should not receive a full coverage scholarship for the same period of study as the AMS scholarship. Notify the scholarships office when another full scholarship such as HSP, Alban, NFP, etc. has been awarded and which scholarship has been chosen to accept.
7.Scholarship continuation for subsequent year(s) of study depends upon satisfactory study progress. The programme you will be enrolled in, as it depends on the curriculum and rules and regulations of the department, sets the standard for satisfactory progress, the time and manner in which progress will be measured. Please be advised that you are expected to gain approximately 80% of credits in any one year.
The programme you wish to apply for might set extra requirements such as academic and language requirements. Please see the faculty information below for more information.
The faculties and international schools award scholarships themselves; as such, regulations may vary. Students interested in an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship may contact the faculty or international school offering the study programme of their choice for more information.
Here the faculty list:
- Amsterdam Medical Centre (AMC)
- Amsterdam Law School (ALS)
- Faculty of Economics and Business
Students enrolling at the Faculty of Economics and Business may request more information on Amsterdam Merit Scholarships by e-mail:
- Faculty of Science
- Graduate School for Humanities
- Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS)
More information, visit: Amsterdam Merit Scholarships
college scholarships
Sumber info :
[Indonesia] Bachelor Students (S1) Scholarships by GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Programme
Bachelor Students (S1) Scholarships by GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Programme
The GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders program provides financial support and leadership development to talented undergraduate students enrolled in engineering, technology or business management programs in participating countries. The program aims to build the human resources capacity and increase access to post-secondary education in countries where GE is active.
General Information
IIEF is an affiliation entrusted to manage the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program. Derived from its name, this program aims to find and develop new leaders that will bring positive changes to the world and their surroundings. In order to face future challenges, being smart is no longer sufficient. The need for capable leaders that are able to sustain development in any condition, whether its an easy or difficult situation.
This program is the shape of GE Corporation consideration effort through GE Foundation, which is a philanthropic foundation established by GE to support non-profit business programs with educational purposes as well as increases the well fare of human kind around the world. Here in Indonesia, GE Foundation has supported many humanitarian programs and educational as part of GE long term commitment towards community.
GE Foundation Scholar-Leader Program intended for Bachelor students in Indonesia with Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) of a minimum 3.0 (of a scale of 4.0). Scholarships will be given early from the third semester up until the eighth, especially for those from MIPA faculty, economic and engineering backgrounds.
1. Bachelors students minimum third semester from ITB, ITS, UGM, UI, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNIBRAW, and UNPAD; one of these following major: Economy (Accounting, Development Management Study), MIPA (Physics, Chemistry, Math), Computer Science, Environmental Study, Engineering (Electro Engineering, Physics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemistry Engineering, Computer Engineering, Evironmental Engineering or Mechanic Engineering)
2. Academic Index from I, II and III semester with minimum of 3.0 (scale 4)
3. Demonstrates skills and intellectual capability and strong leadership
4. Active in students organization or other social activities
5. Has a fairly good grasp of English, written and verbal
6. Comes from less fortunate background
7. Not in the condition of accepting other sponsorships from different institution
Registration Schedule
All documents must be submitted to IIEF by the latest on 15 December 2009 (by postal stamp).
Registration forms re available for pick up or for copy at the students unit, at each major or HIMA, or access from IIEF website. Filled registration form must be completed with transcript from 1st, 2nd 2nd and 3rd 3rd semester (legalized); 2 recommendation letters (from supervisor and other lecturers); letter of statement to indicate incapability of fortune (from distric council and university administration); letter of statement to indicate the applicants is not in condition of accepting other scholarship and will not accept other scholarship if found as one of the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program; copies of other certificates or supporting documents (if there are others).
The form can be send to this address:
Beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program - IIEF
Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite B
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Telp 021-8317330, Fax: 021-8317331; E-mail:
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it,
Application Form
college scholarships
Sumber informasi :
The GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders program provides financial support and leadership development to talented undergraduate students enrolled in engineering, technology or business management programs in participating countries. The program aims to build the human resources capacity and increase access to post-secondary education in countries where GE is active.
General Information
IIEF is an affiliation entrusted to manage the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program. Derived from its name, this program aims to find and develop new leaders that will bring positive changes to the world and their surroundings. In order to face future challenges, being smart is no longer sufficient. The need for capable leaders that are able to sustain development in any condition, whether its an easy or difficult situation.
This program is the shape of GE Corporation consideration effort through GE Foundation, which is a philanthropic foundation established by GE to support non-profit business programs with educational purposes as well as increases the well fare of human kind around the world. Here in Indonesia, GE Foundation has supported many humanitarian programs and educational as part of GE long term commitment towards community.
GE Foundation Scholar-Leader Program intended for Bachelor students in Indonesia with Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) of a minimum 3.0 (of a scale of 4.0). Scholarships will be given early from the third semester up until the eighth, especially for those from MIPA faculty, economic and engineering backgrounds.
1. Bachelors students minimum third semester from ITB, ITS, UGM, UI, UNAIR, UNDIP, UNIBRAW, and UNPAD; one of these following major: Economy (Accounting, Development Management Study), MIPA (Physics, Chemistry, Math), Computer Science, Environmental Study, Engineering (Electro Engineering, Physics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemistry Engineering, Computer Engineering, Evironmental Engineering or Mechanic Engineering)
2. Academic Index from I, II and III semester with minimum of 3.0 (scale 4)
3. Demonstrates skills and intellectual capability and strong leadership
4. Active in students organization or other social activities
5. Has a fairly good grasp of English, written and verbal
6. Comes from less fortunate background
7. Not in the condition of accepting other sponsorships from different institution
Registration Schedule
All documents must be submitted to IIEF by the latest on 15 December 2009 (by postal stamp).
Registration forms re available for pick up or for copy at the students unit, at each major or HIMA, or access from IIEF website. Filled registration form must be completed with transcript from 1st, 2nd 2nd and 3rd 3rd semester (legalized); 2 recommendation letters (from supervisor and other lecturers); letter of statement to indicate incapability of fortune (from distric council and university administration); letter of statement to indicate the applicants is not in condition of accepting other scholarship and will not accept other scholarship if found as one of the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program; copies of other certificates or supporting documents (if there are others).
The form can be send to this address:
Beasiswa GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program - IIEF
Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite B
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Telp 021-8317330, Fax: 021-8317331; E-mail:
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it,
Application Form
college scholarships
Sumber informasi :
[Japan] International Graduate Program for Advanced Science at Tohoku University
International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) at Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Program begins: October, 2010 (Fall 2010 semester)
Application Period: November 2, 2009-December 18, 2009
Notification Period: February 1- 15, 2010
Status: Open
International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) is an interdisciplinary graduate program in the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. It was established in October 2004 as the first international graduate program founded in Japanese national universities. IGPAS offers courses in English for international students who are eager to obtain master`s and doctoral degrees from the Graduate School of Science. It also aims to educate Japanese students to exert their abilities as internationally- active, professional scientists.
IGPAS has proudly reserved positions of Japanese government scholarship for its master`s students since its foundation, and in 2008, IGPAS-Super Doctoral Course (SDC) has been started for doctoral students jointly with the Institute for the International Advanced Research and Education (IIARE) of Tohoku University. Students of IGPAS-SDC benefit from fellowship by IIARE to promote world top-level, interdisciplinary research at the Graduate School of Science.
Prospective students will have excellent opportunities to study modern science and conduct cutting-edge research with top-level scientists currently working at Tohoku University.
As of October, 2009, availability of financial supports for IGPAS students is as shown below.
Master`s Program
Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship for 8 students
Term of the Scholarship: 5 years (2 years + 3 years)
1. Monthly stipend of 156,000 yen as a master`s student and 157,000 yen as a doctoral student.
2. Flight tickets between the country of the student`s nationality and Japan.
3. Exemption from application, admission and tuition fees.
Doctoral Program
IGPAS-SDC fellowship for 2 students
Term of the Fellowship: 3 years
1. Monthly stipend of 200,000 yen.
2. 300,000 yen to compensate for admission fee. 3. 250,000 yen/semester to compensate for tuition. 4. Research grants of up to 500,000 yen/semester (up to 1,000,000 yen/year).
Info selengkapnya
college scholarships
Sumber :
Program begins: October, 2010 (Fall 2010 semester)
Application Period: November 2, 2009-December 18, 2009
Notification Period: February 1- 15, 2010
Status: Open
International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) is an interdisciplinary graduate program in the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. It was established in October 2004 as the first international graduate program founded in Japanese national universities. IGPAS offers courses in English for international students who are eager to obtain master`s and doctoral degrees from the Graduate School of Science. It also aims to educate Japanese students to exert their abilities as internationally- active, professional scientists.
IGPAS has proudly reserved positions of Japanese government scholarship for its master`s students since its foundation, and in 2008, IGPAS-Super Doctoral Course (SDC) has been started for doctoral students jointly with the Institute for the International Advanced Research and Education (IIARE) of Tohoku University. Students of IGPAS-SDC benefit from fellowship by IIARE to promote world top-level, interdisciplinary research at the Graduate School of Science.
Prospective students will have excellent opportunities to study modern science and conduct cutting-edge research with top-level scientists currently working at Tohoku University.
As of October, 2009, availability of financial supports for IGPAS students is as shown below.
Master`s Program
Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship for 8 students
Term of the Scholarship: 5 years (2 years + 3 years)
1. Monthly stipend of 156,000 yen as a master`s student and 157,000 yen as a doctoral student.
2. Flight tickets between the country of the student`s nationality and Japan.
3. Exemption from application, admission and tuition fees.
Doctoral Program
IGPAS-SDC fellowship for 2 students
Term of the Fellowship: 3 years
1. Monthly stipend of 200,000 yen.
2. 300,000 yen to compensate for admission fee. 3. 250,000 yen/semester to compensate for tuition. 4. Research grants of up to 500,000 yen/semester (up to 1,000,000 yen/year).
Info selengkapnya
college scholarships
Sumber :
[Europe] Master Program in Materials Science by Erasmus Mundus Programme
European Master in Materials Science Exploiting Large Scale Facilities (Mamaself).
The Mamaself programme has been selected in the Erasmus Mundus 2 European programme.
Mamaself is a 2 year Master course.
Fellowships are now available for both Non-European and European students.
Master in Materials Science Exploiting Large Scale Facilities.
Mamaself is a 2 year full time Master aiming to promote the scientific collaboration between Universities, Large scale facilities and Industry. This Master is the result of the collaboration between four Universities: University Rennes 1, (France), University of Torino, (Italy), Technical University and the Ludwig Maximilians University München (Germany). The Master degree will be delivered by two or three out of the four universities, so the students will receive a double Master degree in Materials Science.
Each student will spend one year in a first hosting institution, the first semester of the second Master year at a second university and the last semester at a university or Large scale Faclities or at a partner institution in Japan, Switzerland or India.
Grants for Non-European students
For each academic year the consortium of universities selects non-European students who will receive a grant. Each non-European student will receive a grant of 22.000 euros per year. Deadline is for 2010-2012 : 19 .01.2010. Non EU students who spent a year in Europe before applying must applicate before 21 May 2010.
Grants for European students
In the framework of the Erasmus Mundus 2 programme, European students can apply for an EM fellowship of 12.000€. This grant amount includes the mobility grant for a period at one of the non EU partner institutions in Japan, Switzerland or India during the second semester of the second Master year. The application deadline is : 21 May 2010.
Students must have 180 ECTS (or equivalent) in Material Science or related disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Geoscience,…) good academic records and good English competencies. The application form is available on the Mamaself web site. Instruction language is English for lectures.
Further information about the study programme, the universities of the consortium, the admission process can be found on the Mamaself website
college scholarships
Sumber :
The Mamaself programme has been selected in the Erasmus Mundus 2 European programme.
Mamaself is a 2 year Master course.
Fellowships are now available for both Non-European and European students.
Master in Materials Science Exploiting Large Scale Facilities.
Mamaself is a 2 year full time Master aiming to promote the scientific collaboration between Universities, Large scale facilities and Industry. This Master is the result of the collaboration between four Universities: University Rennes 1, (France), University of Torino, (Italy), Technical University and the Ludwig Maximilians University München (Germany). The Master degree will be delivered by two or three out of the four universities, so the students will receive a double Master degree in Materials Science.
Each student will spend one year in a first hosting institution, the first semester of the second Master year at a second university and the last semester at a university or Large scale Faclities or at a partner institution in Japan, Switzerland or India.
Grants for Non-European students
For each academic year the consortium of universities selects non-European students who will receive a grant. Each non-European student will receive a grant of 22.000 euros per year. Deadline is for 2010-2012 : 19 .01.2010. Non EU students who spent a year in Europe before applying must applicate before 21 May 2010.
Grants for European students
In the framework of the Erasmus Mundus 2 programme, European students can apply for an EM fellowship of 12.000€. This grant amount includes the mobility grant for a period at one of the non EU partner institutions in Japan, Switzerland or India during the second semester of the second Master year. The application deadline is : 21 May 2010.
Students must have 180 ECTS (or equivalent) in Material Science or related disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Geoscience,…) good academic records and good English competencies. The application form is available on the Mamaself web site. Instruction language is English for lectures.
Further information about the study programme, the universities of the consortium, the admission process can be found on the Mamaself website
college scholarships
Sumber :
[Finland] 12 PhD Positions at VTT Graduate School
college scholarships
12 Positions for PhD students - VTT Graduate School Starts in Spring 2010
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is an impartial and multitechnological R&D organisation that provides high-end technology solutions and innovation services. VTT promotes the development of industries and public services, the wellbeing of society, the health and safety of the environment, and improves the knowledge base for political decision-making. From its wide knowledge base, VTT can combine different technologies, create new innovations and a substantial range of world-class technologies and applied research services, thus improving sustainable development in the society and competitiveness and competence of industries world-wide.
VTT is launching an international graduate school in the beginning of 2010 to attract new, motivated researchers. We are looking for 12 new PhD students that are expected to contribute to development of our prominent technological competences.
Job description
PhD students participate in high level research work at VTT on selected strategically relevant topics within a collaborative project environment. PhD work is done for four consecutive years under professional scientific supervision by highly experienced and competent senior researchers. The PhD thesis should be finalized within the four-year period and fulfil high level scientific standards. The open positions are related to applied materials, bio and chemical processes, energy, information and communication technologies, and microtechnologies and electronics.
• a solid academic background with an MSc in relevant fields
• scientific ambition, motivation and strong interest in cutting-edge research
• team working skills in an international working environment
• inventiveness and initiative personality
• good analytical and problem solving skills
• excellent English language skills
We offer you
• an opportunity to contribute to the strategic capabilities of a world-class research organization
• outstanding PhD supervision by top research scientists of your field
• excellent prospects for personal development
• an innovative work community for aspiring researchers
• a work contract for 1 + 3 years
• assistance with housing and other relocation issues
Please apply before the 31st of December 2009. PhD positions can be started flexibly during spring 2010.
Apply to Graduate School positions
Additional information
Johanna Buchert
Vice President, Strategic Research
+358 20 722 5146
Riitta Tolvanen
Senior Vice President, HR
+358 20 722 4075
Ritva Vainio
Relocation issues
+358 20 722 7030
Official Site:
Sumber :
12 Positions for PhD students - VTT Graduate School Starts in Spring 2010
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is an impartial and multitechnological R&D organisation that provides high-end technology solutions and innovation services. VTT promotes the development of industries and public services, the wellbeing of society, the health and safety of the environment, and improves the knowledge base for political decision-making. From its wide knowledge base, VTT can combine different technologies, create new innovations and a substantial range of world-class technologies and applied research services, thus improving sustainable development in the society and competitiveness and competence of industries world-wide.
VTT is launching an international graduate school in the beginning of 2010 to attract new, motivated researchers. We are looking for 12 new PhD students that are expected to contribute to development of our prominent technological competences.
Job description
PhD students participate in high level research work at VTT on selected strategically relevant topics within a collaborative project environment. PhD work is done for four consecutive years under professional scientific supervision by highly experienced and competent senior researchers. The PhD thesis should be finalized within the four-year period and fulfil high level scientific standards. The open positions are related to applied materials, bio and chemical processes, energy, information and communication technologies, and microtechnologies and electronics.
• a solid academic background with an MSc in relevant fields
• scientific ambition, motivation and strong interest in cutting-edge research
• team working skills in an international working environment
• inventiveness and initiative personality
• good analytical and problem solving skills
• excellent English language skills
We offer you
• an opportunity to contribute to the strategic capabilities of a world-class research organization
• outstanding PhD supervision by top research scientists of your field
• excellent prospects for personal development
• an innovative work community for aspiring researchers
• a work contract for 1 + 3 years
• assistance with housing and other relocation issues
Please apply before the 31st of December 2009. PhD positions can be started flexibly during spring 2010.
Apply to Graduate School positions
Additional information
Johanna Buchert
Vice President, Strategic Research
+358 20 722 5146
Riitta Tolvanen
Senior Vice President, HR
+358 20 722 4075
Ritva Vainio
Relocation issues
+358 20 722 7030
Official Site:
Sumber :
[UK] PhD Studentship at Imperial College Business School
college scholarships
PhD Studentships
Imperial College London - Imperial College Business School
Studentships: up to £18,000 pa plus payment of fees
Deadline: Friday 19th February
Start date: October 2010
Imperial College Business School has a global reputation for academic excellence and provides the opportunity to learn from world-class faculty and cutting edge research. The recent RAE 2008 assessment places the Business School joint first for the percentage of activity assessed as world-leading or internationally excellent.
PhD studentships are offered by Imperial College Business School to students with an excellent Masters degree who wish to advance their academic or professional career.
We have a number of awards offered by the EPSRC and ESRC in the following areas:
1. Finance & Accounting
2. Innovation & Entrepreneurship
We also have a number of Imperial College Business School Awards available in the form of fee remission, part funding or a grant towards living expenses. Study can be in any of our areas of expertise and the awards are open to UK/EU/International students.
For detailed information on each studentship, please visit
For any queries, please email or call + 44 (0)207 594 9608
Sumber :
PhD Studentships
Imperial College London - Imperial College Business School
Studentships: up to £18,000 pa plus payment of fees
Deadline: Friday 19th February
Start date: October 2010
Imperial College Business School has a global reputation for academic excellence and provides the opportunity to learn from world-class faculty and cutting edge research. The recent RAE 2008 assessment places the Business School joint first for the percentage of activity assessed as world-leading or internationally excellent.
PhD studentships are offered by Imperial College Business School to students with an excellent Masters degree who wish to advance their academic or professional career.
We have a number of awards offered by the EPSRC and ESRC in the following areas:
1. Finance & Accounting
2. Innovation & Entrepreneurship
We also have a number of Imperial College Business School Awards available in the form of fee remission, part funding or a grant towards living expenses. Study can be in any of our areas of expertise and the awards are open to UK/EU/International students.
For detailed information on each studentship, please visit
For any queries, please email or call + 44 (0)207 594 9608
Sumber :
[Monaco] Project for a MSc/ MRes student on Coral and Anemone Physiology at Monaco Scientific Centre
college scholarships
Project for a MSc/ MRes student on coral and anemone physiology at the Monaco Scientific Centre.
We are seeking a motivated graduate student to conduct a research project on the influence of light on intracellular pH in symbiotic cnidarian cells. The project fits into a wider programme of research conducted at the Monaco Scientific Centre that concerns the physiology of tropical and temperate corals in the context of global environmental change, particularly ocean acidification. The student will be joint supervised by Dr Sylvie Tambutte (Team Leader of the Physiology and Biochemistry Group) and Dr Alexander Venn.
The proposed project will provide the graduate student with the opportunity to acquire skills in cell biology, with an emphasis on the application of physiology to environmental issues. The applicant will need to be already enrolled in a masters programme at another institution, but the proposed project may fill part or all of a student`s requirement for research experience. The student will preferably have some laboratory experience with a background in physiology or cell and molecular biology. Duration of the project is flexible with a maximum of 6 months, with a flexible start date from January 2010. All bench fees/ laboratory costs are covered by CSM and a bursary of 300 euros per month is available.
The Monaco Scientific Centre (`Centre Scientifique de Monaco` or `CSM`) is a world leader in coral physiology, particularly in the areas of biomineralization and symbiosis. Although primarily a French speaking laboratory, CSM provides an international research environment, regularly hosting researchers from locations such the US, Australia and Japan (thus English is widely spoken). CSM is currently housed in the Monaco Oceanographic Museum and funded by the Government of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Short project synopsis:
The cnidarian-dinoflage llate symbiosis underpins coral reef ecosystems. The ecological importance of corals and their vulnerability to environmental change has led to growing interest in cnidarian physiology (see Weis and Allemand 2009 What determines coral health? Science, 329, 1153-1155). We have recently developed an approach to measure intracellular pH in corals and symbiotic anemones, a fundamental parameter that influences most aspects of cell physiology (Venn et al. 2009 Imaging intracellular pH in a reef coral and symbiotic anemone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 106 (39) 16574-16579). The purpose of the proposed project is to build on our preliminary data and investigate how intracellular pH in host cnidarian cells is modified by the photosynthesis of intracellular algae under different environmental conditions. The project will use the symbiotic anemone Anemonia viridis as a model.
The student may have the opportunity to apply for a fully funded Ph.D. on this topic at CSM starting in October 2010.
Interested candidates should send a CV to Sylvie Tambutte and Alexander
Sumber :
Project for a MSc/ MRes student on coral and anemone physiology at the Monaco Scientific Centre.
We are seeking a motivated graduate student to conduct a research project on the influence of light on intracellular pH in symbiotic cnidarian cells. The project fits into a wider programme of research conducted at the Monaco Scientific Centre that concerns the physiology of tropical and temperate corals in the context of global environmental change, particularly ocean acidification. The student will be joint supervised by Dr Sylvie Tambutte (Team Leader of the Physiology and Biochemistry Group) and Dr Alexander Venn.
The proposed project will provide the graduate student with the opportunity to acquire skills in cell biology, with an emphasis on the application of physiology to environmental issues. The applicant will need to be already enrolled in a masters programme at another institution, but the proposed project may fill part or all of a student`s requirement for research experience. The student will preferably have some laboratory experience with a background in physiology or cell and molecular biology. Duration of the project is flexible with a maximum of 6 months, with a flexible start date from January 2010. All bench fees/ laboratory costs are covered by CSM and a bursary of 300 euros per month is available.
The Monaco Scientific Centre (`Centre Scientifique de Monaco` or `CSM`) is a world leader in coral physiology, particularly in the areas of biomineralization and symbiosis. Although primarily a French speaking laboratory, CSM provides an international research environment, regularly hosting researchers from locations such the US, Australia and Japan (thus English is widely spoken). CSM is currently housed in the Monaco Oceanographic Museum and funded by the Government of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Short project synopsis:
The cnidarian-dinoflage llate symbiosis underpins coral reef ecosystems. The ecological importance of corals and their vulnerability to environmental change has led to growing interest in cnidarian physiology (see Weis and Allemand 2009 What determines coral health? Science, 329, 1153-1155). We have recently developed an approach to measure intracellular pH in corals and symbiotic anemones, a fundamental parameter that influences most aspects of cell physiology (Venn et al. 2009 Imaging intracellular pH in a reef coral and symbiotic anemone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 106 (39) 16574-16579). The purpose of the proposed project is to build on our preliminary data and investigate how intracellular pH in host cnidarian cells is modified by the photosynthesis of intracellular algae under different environmental conditions. The project will use the symbiotic anemone Anemonia viridis as a model.
The student may have the opportunity to apply for a fully funded Ph.D. on this topic at CSM starting in October 2010.
Interested candidates should send a CV to Sylvie Tambutte and Alexander
Sumber :
[Italy] 2 PhD positions at University of Milan
college scholarships
2 PhD positions at University of Milan, Italy
The University of Milan announces a competition by selection on the basis of academic qualifications for the admission of non EU citizens to the following Research Doctorate/Ph. D. degree courses:
1. Mathematical Sciences from Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics: 1 position.
2. Ancient, literary, philological and art historical studies, Graduate School of Humanae Litterae: 1 position.
Studentships general rules
2 (two) studentships will be awarded to selected applicants. Further places within the above Graduate Schools will then be made available for selected applicants holding studentships awarded by other Bodies.
Applications for selection are invited from non EU citizens who do not reside in Italy and hold a foreign degree. The candidates` degrees will be recognised as equivalent to the Italian `Laurea magistrale` (exclusively for the purposes of this competition) by the competent Academic Board.
The University can at any time exclude candidates lacking the admission requirements.
Application deadline
The application should be submitted using the attached form available on the University web site http://www.unimi. it/ricerca/dottorati/19244.htm and must arrive, together with the qualifications listed below, by 10 December 2009.
All documents should be sent by post to the following address:
To: Magnifico Rettore
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Festa del Perdono, 7
I - 20122 Milano ITALY
Applications and qualifications arriving after the deadline (10 December 2009) will not be considered.
Candidates will apply for a single Research Doctorate/Ph. D. Degree Course; should a Graduate School involve different Research Doctorate/Ph. D. degree courses, applicants will opt for only one among those indicated. The application form must be completed in all its parts.
The following documents must be attached to the application form:
• a certificate related to the most recent academic degree, translated into Italian or English;
• a curriculum studiorum stating examinations taken and grades gained with a brief description of their contents; the curriculum should be accompanied by a report on any research carried out by the candidate;
• a list of publications (if any);
• a letter of recommendation by the teachers or tutors who supervised the candidate on his/her studies at Home University;
• any further candidate`s qualifications that should be taken into account, including the study and research programmes he/she intends to carry out in Milan.
All documents must be in Italian or English, or accompanied by a translation into Italian or English.
Candidates will be required to submit additional documentation as specified below:
• Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
In addition to the qualifications required to all participants, candidates will have to demonstrate that they hold:
- A good knowledge of English language
• Graduate School of Humanae Litterae
History and criticism of artistic and environmental heritage
In addition to the qualifications required to all participants, candidates will have to demonstrate that they hold:
- A good knowledge of English or Italian language;
- Background in musicology
for the complete information, please refer to this website link:
Source :
2 PhD positions at University of Milan, Italy
The University of Milan announces a competition by selection on the basis of academic qualifications for the admission of non EU citizens to the following Research Doctorate/Ph. D. degree courses:
1. Mathematical Sciences from Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics: 1 position.
2. Ancient, literary, philological and art historical studies, Graduate School of Humanae Litterae: 1 position.
Studentships general rules
2 (two) studentships will be awarded to selected applicants. Further places within the above Graduate Schools will then be made available for selected applicants holding studentships awarded by other Bodies.
Applications for selection are invited from non EU citizens who do not reside in Italy and hold a foreign degree. The candidates` degrees will be recognised as equivalent to the Italian `Laurea magistrale` (exclusively for the purposes of this competition) by the competent Academic Board.
The University can at any time exclude candidates lacking the admission requirements.
Application deadline
The application should be submitted using the attached form available on the University web site http://www.unimi. it/ricerca/dottorati/19244.htm and must arrive, together with the qualifications listed below, by 10 December 2009.
All documents should be sent by post to the following address:
To: Magnifico Rettore
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Festa del Perdono, 7
I - 20122 Milano ITALY
Applications and qualifications arriving after the deadline (10 December 2009) will not be considered.
Candidates will apply for a single Research Doctorate/Ph. D. Degree Course; should a Graduate School involve different Research Doctorate/Ph. D. degree courses, applicants will opt for only one among those indicated. The application form must be completed in all its parts.
The following documents must be attached to the application form:
• a certificate related to the most recent academic degree, translated into Italian or English;
• a curriculum studiorum stating examinations taken and grades gained with a brief description of their contents; the curriculum should be accompanied by a report on any research carried out by the candidate;
• a list of publications (if any);
• a letter of recommendation by the teachers or tutors who supervised the candidate on his/her studies at Home University;
• any further candidate`s qualifications that should be taken into account, including the study and research programmes he/she intends to carry out in Milan.
All documents must be in Italian or English, or accompanied by a translation into Italian or English.
Candidates will be required to submit additional documentation as specified below:
• Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
In addition to the qualifications required to all participants, candidates will have to demonstrate that they hold:
- A good knowledge of English language
• Graduate School of Humanae Litterae
History and criticism of artistic and environmental heritage
In addition to the qualifications required to all participants, candidates will have to demonstrate that they hold:
- A good knowledge of English or Italian language;
- Background in musicology
for the complete information, please refer to this website link:
Source :
[Europe] Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics by Erasmus Mundus Programmes
college scholarships
European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG)
The European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG) offers high quality training, both in terms of scientific knowledge and didactic skills, provided by six excellent university groups within the EU. The EM-ABG is a response to the need for highly qualified graduates in the internationally operating area of animal breeding and genetics.
The integrated European Master of Science Course in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG) aims to offer high quality international training, both in terms of scientific knowledge as well as in didactic skills, provided by a limited number of excellent university groups within EU.
Integrating education in a joint course offers the students a better opportunity to specialize in a certain aspect, as well as to have access to a broad range of subjects, bringing about a holistic view on the sustainable use of animal genetic resources. The course will be highly relevant for both EU and non-EU students who wish to be employed in organizations working in the field of sustainable animal breeding.
The EM-ABG aims to provide a European dimension in the knowledge-intensive area of animal breeding which is operating internationally. European animal breeding organisations are world leaders, with global market shares of up to 90%. There is an increased need for people with a MSc degree in animal breeding, but the number of graduates is currently decreasing. The EM-ABG provides a response to the need for highly qualified graduates as well as to the need to adapt education systems to the demands of the knowledge society, to enhance the attractiveness and visibility of European higher education world-wide, and to stimulate the process of convergence of degree structures across Europe. The EM-ABG aims at training students who wish to contribute to the development of sustainable farm animal breeding. Graduates will be able to find positions in and outside Europe, either in their country or in a national branch of an international breeding organisation.
The EM-ABG overall aim is:
1. to offer quality higher education with a distinct European added value, attractive both within the European uni0n and beyond its borders;
2. to encourage and enable highly qualified graduates and scholars from all over the world to obtain qualifications and/or experience in the European uni0n;
3. to improve accessibility and enhance the profile and visibility of higher education in the European uni0n.
The subscription fees are the same, irrespective of the chosen study track
EU students : € 2,000 per academic year / € 4,000 for the whole master course
Non-EU students : € 8,000 per academic year / € 16,000 for the whole master course
The subscription fees include the following costs:
1. Registration in two universities
2. Costs of the orientation period
3. Allocation of a research grant to every student for direct costs related to thesis research and internship
4. Participation in the summer activity at the end of the first year
The subscription fees do not include the living expenses or the travel costs to and within Europe.
The EM-ABG course is supported by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Uni0n:
1. Ten scholarships for third-country (non-EU, Category A) selected students are offered. The amount for academic year 2010/2011 is € 24,000 per year which should cover the living costs, insurance, travel costs and subscription fees.
2. Two scholarships for students from the Western Balkans and Turkey are offered. The amount for academic year 2010/2011 is € 24,000 per year which should cover the living costs, insurance, travel costs and subscription fees.
3. Eight scholarships for EU students (Category B) selected students are also offered starting September 2010. The amount offered for academic year 2010/2011 is €10,000 per year which should cover the living costs, insurance, travel costs and subscription fees.
4. Scholarships for third-country (non-EU) selected scholars (academic staff) are offered as well. Duration of the stay at one of the partner universities can vary from two weeks minimum (€ 2400) up to a 3-month stay (€ 14,800).
5.The scholarship application is included in the application form (application deadline 15th of January 2010 for Category A scholarships and third-country scholars and April 15th for Category B scholarships).
Application deadline EM-ABG program for third-country (non-EU) students and for non-EU scholars (academic staff) with Erasmus Mundus scholarship: 15th of January, 2010.
Application deadline self-paying (EU and non-EU) students: 15th of April, 2010.
For more information and application:
EM-ABG Secretary
Animal Breeding and Genomics Center
Wageningen University
PO Box 338
NL 6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands
t: +31 (0) 317 482 335
Prof. Johan A.M. van Arendonk
Animal Breeding and Genomics Center
Wageningen University
Source :
European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG)
The European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG) offers high quality training, both in terms of scientific knowledge and didactic skills, provided by six excellent university groups within the EU. The EM-ABG is a response to the need for highly qualified graduates in the internationally operating area of animal breeding and genetics.
The integrated European Master of Science Course in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG) aims to offer high quality international training, both in terms of scientific knowledge as well as in didactic skills, provided by a limited number of excellent university groups within EU.
Integrating education in a joint course offers the students a better opportunity to specialize in a certain aspect, as well as to have access to a broad range of subjects, bringing about a holistic view on the sustainable use of animal genetic resources. The course will be highly relevant for both EU and non-EU students who wish to be employed in organizations working in the field of sustainable animal breeding.
The EM-ABG aims to provide a European dimension in the knowledge-intensive area of animal breeding which is operating internationally. European animal breeding organisations are world leaders, with global market shares of up to 90%. There is an increased need for people with a MSc degree in animal breeding, but the number of graduates is currently decreasing. The EM-ABG provides a response to the need for highly qualified graduates as well as to the need to adapt education systems to the demands of the knowledge society, to enhance the attractiveness and visibility of European higher education world-wide, and to stimulate the process of convergence of degree structures across Europe. The EM-ABG aims at training students who wish to contribute to the development of sustainable farm animal breeding. Graduates will be able to find positions in and outside Europe, either in their country or in a national branch of an international breeding organisation.
The EM-ABG overall aim is:
1. to offer quality higher education with a distinct European added value, attractive both within the European uni0n and beyond its borders;
2. to encourage and enable highly qualified graduates and scholars from all over the world to obtain qualifications and/or experience in the European uni0n;
3. to improve accessibility and enhance the profile and visibility of higher education in the European uni0n.
The subscription fees are the same, irrespective of the chosen study track
EU students : € 2,000 per academic year / € 4,000 for the whole master course
Non-EU students : € 8,000 per academic year / € 16,000 for the whole master course
The subscription fees include the following costs:
1. Registration in two universities
2. Costs of the orientation period
3. Allocation of a research grant to every student for direct costs related to thesis research and internship
4. Participation in the summer activity at the end of the first year
The subscription fees do not include the living expenses or the travel costs to and within Europe.
The EM-ABG course is supported by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Uni0n:
1. Ten scholarships for third-country (non-EU, Category A) selected students are offered. The amount for academic year 2010/2011 is € 24,000 per year which should cover the living costs, insurance, travel costs and subscription fees.
2. Two scholarships for students from the Western Balkans and Turkey are offered. The amount for academic year 2010/2011 is € 24,000 per year which should cover the living costs, insurance, travel costs and subscription fees.
3. Eight scholarships for EU students (Category B) selected students are also offered starting September 2010. The amount offered for academic year 2010/2011 is €10,000 per year which should cover the living costs, insurance, travel costs and subscription fees.
4. Scholarships for third-country (non-EU) selected scholars (academic staff) are offered as well. Duration of the stay at one of the partner universities can vary from two weeks minimum (€ 2400) up to a 3-month stay (€ 14,800).
5.The scholarship application is included in the application form (application deadline 15th of January 2010 for Category A scholarships and third-country scholars and April 15th for Category B scholarships).
Application deadline EM-ABG program for third-country (non-EU) students and for non-EU scholars (academic staff) with Erasmus Mundus scholarship: 15th of January, 2010.
Application deadline self-paying (EU and non-EU) students: 15th of April, 2010.
For more information and application:
EM-ABG Secretary
Animal Breeding and Genomics Center
Wageningen University
PO Box 338
NL 6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands
t: +31 (0) 317 482 335
Prof. Johan A.M. van Arendonk
Animal Breeding and Genomics Center
Wageningen University
Source :
[Europe] Master in Strategic Project Management by Erasmus Mundus Programme
college scholarships
Master in Strategic Project Management by Erasmus Mundus Programme
The Masters in Strategic Project Management (European) course offers a balanced programme of professional training at postgraduate level informed by the most recent research in the field over a 16-month full-time study period. An internationally recognised multiple degree is awarded by each University in the consortium. Selection is competitive and based on academic performance and credentials.
We are now receiving applications for the academic year 2010-2012. The course attracts applications from high calibre students globally.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are available for this programme. There will be around 18 scholarships in total for 2010-2012.
Entry Requirements
There are three core admission criteria:
• Excellence of the candidate: outstanding achievement in the applicant’s first degree. The minimum admission qualification is a high-quality Bachelor degree (or an equivalent academic degree) of minimum three years duration and 180 ECTS credits in a cognate discipline.
• Language ability: for non-native English speaking applicants a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent is required (e.g. TOEFL 600, IBT 100 or 250 computer-based). A language policy exists for students with a slightly lower level of English (e.g. IELTS 6.0) who wish to apply; they are encouraged to take advantage of the pre-sessional English language course at Heriot-Watt University.
• Student motivational statement and relevance of the Masters Course to a student’s professional experience to date and future career aspirations.
How to Apply
All applications for admission will be forwarded to Heriot-Watt University (the co-ordinating institution) for processing. Applications should be made online by visiting
Application Documentation
The following documentation in English should be uploaded at the time of application:
1. Motivational Statement (maximum 1000 words)
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Certified copy of university qualification
4. Official full transcript of marks
5. Proof of level of English ability
6. Two letters of recommendation, preferably from the university or institute that awarded the first degree.
7. A copy of a valid ID document e.g. passport.
8. Financial guarantee showing ability to cover the costs of the Course whether self, family, employer or scholarship, (can be supplied at a later date).
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
If you wish to be considered for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship you do not need to submit a separate form, but you must ensure that ALL documentation (including proof of level of English ability) is uploaded before the following scholarship deadlines:
1. 3rd Country (non-European) candidates - 20th December 2009
2. European candidates - 30th March 2010
More information visit:
Source :
Master in Strategic Project Management by Erasmus Mundus Programme
The Masters in Strategic Project Management (European) course offers a balanced programme of professional training at postgraduate level informed by the most recent research in the field over a 16-month full-time study period. An internationally recognised multiple degree is awarded by each University in the consortium. Selection is competitive and based on academic performance and credentials.
We are now receiving applications for the academic year 2010-2012. The course attracts applications from high calibre students globally.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are available for this programme. There will be around 18 scholarships in total for 2010-2012.
Entry Requirements
There are three core admission criteria:
• Excellence of the candidate: outstanding achievement in the applicant’s first degree. The minimum admission qualification is a high-quality Bachelor degree (or an equivalent academic degree) of minimum three years duration and 180 ECTS credits in a cognate discipline.
• Language ability: for non-native English speaking applicants a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent is required (e.g. TOEFL 600, IBT 100 or 250 computer-based). A language policy exists for students with a slightly lower level of English (e.g. IELTS 6.0) who wish to apply; they are encouraged to take advantage of the pre-sessional English language course at Heriot-Watt University.
• Student motivational statement and relevance of the Masters Course to a student’s professional experience to date and future career aspirations.
How to Apply
All applications for admission will be forwarded to Heriot-Watt University (the co-ordinating institution) for processing. Applications should be made online by visiting
Application Documentation
The following documentation in English should be uploaded at the time of application:
1. Motivational Statement (maximum 1000 words)
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Certified copy of university qualification
4. Official full transcript of marks
5. Proof of level of English ability
6. Two letters of recommendation, preferably from the university or institute that awarded the first degree.
7. A copy of a valid ID document e.g. passport.
8. Financial guarantee showing ability to cover the costs of the Course whether self, family, employer or scholarship, (can be supplied at a later date).
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
If you wish to be considered for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship you do not need to submit a separate form, but you must ensure that ALL documentation (including proof of level of English ability) is uploaded before the following scholarship deadlines:
1. 3rd Country (non-European) candidates - 20th December 2009
2. European candidates - 30th March 2010
More information visit:
Source :
[Europe] Erasmus Mundus Msc Program in Data Mining and Knowledge Management (EM-DMKM)
Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Data Mining and Knowledge Management (EM-DMKM).
Call for application
Erasmus Mundus is a certification of excellence which is delivered by the European community to the best international master programs in Europe, and it is supported by very attractive scholarships.
college scholarships
The Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Data Mining and Knowledge Management (DMKM) proposes specialist training in this field. This is a two years course. The higher education consortium that organizes the master is composed of six universities in four countries:
1. France (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, University Lumière Lyon 2, Polytech`Nantes - Polytechnic Graduate School of Nantes University),
2. Romania (Technical University of Bucharest),
3. Italy (University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro) and
4. Spain (Technical University of Catalonia)
The Master`s in DMKM is aimed at students from all over the world. Candidates must have a Bachelor`s degree (or equivalent) in computer science, applied mathematics or statistics, as well as a good level of English (TOEFL 550 or equivalent). Admission is granted on the basis of a selection procedure. Classes are taught in English and the course is composed of 18 modules of around sixty hours each.
The course runs over 4 semesters on at least two countries of the European Uni0n. The first semester is devoted to basic training that includes theoretical mathematics, statistics, databases, logic, knowledge representation etc. whereas the two following semesters are dedicated to acquire 2 specialities among 6 in `E-Science`, `Data Mining and Complex System Modeling, Application in Social Science`, `Knowledge and Decision`, `Statistical Modeling and Data Mining`, `Web Semantic` and `Relational Data Mining`. The fourth semester is devoted to the writing of a dissertation in either a laboratory or a company.
Language classes will also be provided to ensure that students integrate as well as possible in socio-cultural terms in the host country. Each student must spend (6-12) months in at least two of the 4 countries. Students that have obtained 120 ECTS, will automatically obtain national Master`s degrees from the countries in which they have studied. Classes are transmitted via video-conferencing. They are also recorded and accessible on line. Students can benefit, on their site of residence, from support in the form of tutoring for each course.
Tuition fees are 4,000 € for European students and 8,000 € for other students.
The European Uni0n provides up to 20 scholarships that covers transportations, subsistence and tuition fees. It offers also up to 6 scholarships to scholars.
The deadlines for applications are:
- 2 January 2010 for Scholarships for Non European students and scholars
- 15 April 2010 for Scholarships for European students
- 20 June 2010 for DMKM Master Course
Please see the EM-DMKM website (www.em-dmkm. eu) for further details and on-line application form.
Professor Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
DMKM Consortium communication
University Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6
Website link:
Source :
Call for application
Erasmus Mundus is a certification of excellence which is delivered by the European community to the best international master programs in Europe, and it is supported by very attractive scholarships.
college scholarships
The Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Data Mining and Knowledge Management (DMKM) proposes specialist training in this field. This is a two years course. The higher education consortium that organizes the master is composed of six universities in four countries:
1. France (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, University Lumière Lyon 2, Polytech`Nantes - Polytechnic Graduate School of Nantes University),
2. Romania (Technical University of Bucharest),
3. Italy (University of Eastern Piedmont Amedeo Avogadro) and
4. Spain (Technical University of Catalonia)
The Master`s in DMKM is aimed at students from all over the world. Candidates must have a Bachelor`s degree (or equivalent) in computer science, applied mathematics or statistics, as well as a good level of English (TOEFL 550 or equivalent). Admission is granted on the basis of a selection procedure. Classes are taught in English and the course is composed of 18 modules of around sixty hours each.
The course runs over 4 semesters on at least two countries of the European Uni0n. The first semester is devoted to basic training that includes theoretical mathematics, statistics, databases, logic, knowledge representation etc. whereas the two following semesters are dedicated to acquire 2 specialities among 6 in `E-Science`, `Data Mining and Complex System Modeling, Application in Social Science`, `Knowledge and Decision`, `Statistical Modeling and Data Mining`, `Web Semantic` and `Relational Data Mining`. The fourth semester is devoted to the writing of a dissertation in either a laboratory or a company.
Language classes will also be provided to ensure that students integrate as well as possible in socio-cultural terms in the host country. Each student must spend (6-12) months in at least two of the 4 countries. Students that have obtained 120 ECTS, will automatically obtain national Master`s degrees from the countries in which they have studied. Classes are transmitted via video-conferencing. They are also recorded and accessible on line. Students can benefit, on their site of residence, from support in the form of tutoring for each course.
Tuition fees are 4,000 € for European students and 8,000 € for other students.
The European Uni0n provides up to 20 scholarships that covers transportations, subsistence and tuition fees. It offers also up to 6 scholarships to scholars.
The deadlines for applications are:
- 2 January 2010 for Scholarships for Non European students and scholars
- 15 April 2010 for Scholarships for European students
- 20 June 2010 for DMKM Master Course
Please see the EM-DMKM website (www.em-dmkm. eu) for further details and on-line application form.
Professor Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
DMKM Consortium communication
University Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6
Website link:
Source :
[Switzerland] PhD position in Quantitative Modeling at ETH Zurich college scholarships
PhD Position (Quantitative Modeling) at ETH Zurich
At the Chair of Systems Design, we use methods from complex systems theory to understand the dynamics of social and economic systems. This includes methods from statistical physics, evolutionary game theory, micro economics, mathematics, and computational sciences.
We are looking for candidates with a strong quantitative background in one of these fields to fill in a doctoral student position starting as soon as possible, or by agreement. We offer excellent working conditions in a lively team and innovative research in close collaboration with leading teams all over the world.
Applicants should have excellent credentials and a proven interest in interdisciplinary research to explore scientific problems beyond the beaten track, both within the team and independently. But most of all, they should be highly motivated to work in the genuinely transdisciplinary environment of our team consisting of economists, physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. This also requires strong communication skills and fluently spoken and written English.
Applicants are asked to send their curriculum vitae, list of (and links to) their publications, names of at least three references, and an overview of their research interests (all in PDF files and in English) to:
Ms. Rahel Dulik
For specific inquiries, please contact Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Schweitzer (
Website link:
At the Chair of Systems Design, we use methods from complex systems theory to understand the dynamics of social and economic systems. This includes methods from statistical physics, evolutionary game theory, micro economics, mathematics, and computational sciences.
We are looking for candidates with a strong quantitative background in one of these fields to fill in a doctoral student position starting as soon as possible, or by agreement. We offer excellent working conditions in a lively team and innovative research in close collaboration with leading teams all over the world.
Applicants should have excellent credentials and a proven interest in interdisciplinary research to explore scientific problems beyond the beaten track, both within the team and independently. But most of all, they should be highly motivated to work in the genuinely transdisciplinary environment of our team consisting of economists, physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. This also requires strong communication skills and fluently spoken and written English.
Applicants are asked to send their curriculum vitae, list of (and links to) their publications, names of at least three references, and an overview of their research interests (all in PDF files and in English) to:
Ms. Rahel Dulik
For specific inquiries, please contact Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Schweitzer (
Website link:
KLM Terbang dengan Biofuel
Maskapai penerbangan dunia kini berlomba-lomba menjadi maskapai ramah lingkungan. Setelah Southwest Airlines yang merancang desain interiornya dari bahan-bahan daur ulang, kini maskapai Belanda, KLM, terbang menggunakan biofuel.
Biofuel adalah bahan bakar yang terbuat dari minyak nabati. Beberapa sumber bahan baku biofuel antara lain: minyak jarak (jatropha), ganggang (algae), sawit, dan lain-lain.
Pada penerbangan perdana menggunakan bahan bakar nabati ini, KLM menerbangkan pesawat Boeing 747 dari Bandara Schipol, Amsterdam. ''Secara teknis, kami telah membuktikan bahwa biofuel dapat digunakan untuk bahan bakar pesawat,'' ujar seorang eksekutif KLM, Peter Hartman.
Ia menyeru pemerintah, industri, dan masyarakat luas untuk bersama-sama memasyaratkan penggunaan biofuel . Namun tentunya, bahan bakar terbarukan ini juga harus dijaga pasokannya.
Penerbangan perdana ini menggunakan bahan bakar kerosin dan biofuel dengan perbandingan 50:50. Sebanyak 40 orang termasuk petinggi KLM, Menteri Urusan Ekonomi Belanda Maria der Hoeven, Direktur WWF Belanda Johan van de Gronden, dan sejumlah wartawan turut serta dalam penerbangan ini.
Juru bicara KLM Monique Matze, seperti dikutip AFP mengungkapkan, pesawat Boeing yang digunakan memiliki empat mesin, 50 persennya menggunakan kerosin dan 50 persen menggunakan biofuel . Sementara biofuel yang digunakan berasal dari perkebunan camelina yang merupakan pemasok bahan bakar bagi perusahaan bioteknologi asal Seattle, AS. Penerbangan ini merupakan penerbangan komersial pertama kali yang menggunakan campuran biofuel . Matze mengemukakan, langkah ini jika dilakukan secara bersama-sama akan mengurangi emisi CO2 di udara.
Penggunaan energi terbarukan akan menjadi jawaban bagi kelangkaan energi di masa mendatang sekaligus upaya menekan polusi. Meskipun KLM masih mengkhawatirkan kestabilan suplai biofuel , yang jelas ini adalah langkah pertama untuk memperbaiki kualitas udara dan menyediakan transportasi udara yang ramah lingkungan.
Sebelum KLM, sejumlah maskapai penerbangan lain telah uji coba terbang menggunakan bahan bakar nabati ini. Sebut saja misalnya: Virgin, Air New Zealand, Air Japan, and Continental Airlines. Mereka menggunakan campuran biofuel jatropha (minyak jarak) atau algae (ganggang). wulan, ed: wachidah
Biofuel adalah bahan bakar yang terbuat dari minyak nabati. Beberapa sumber bahan baku biofuel antara lain: minyak jarak (jatropha), ganggang (algae), sawit, dan lain-lain.
Pada penerbangan perdana menggunakan bahan bakar nabati ini, KLM menerbangkan pesawat Boeing 747 dari Bandara Schipol, Amsterdam. ''Secara teknis, kami telah membuktikan bahwa biofuel dapat digunakan untuk bahan bakar pesawat,'' ujar seorang eksekutif KLM, Peter Hartman.
Ia menyeru pemerintah, industri, dan masyarakat luas untuk bersama-sama memasyaratkan penggunaan biofuel . Namun tentunya, bahan bakar terbarukan ini juga harus dijaga pasokannya.
Penerbangan perdana ini menggunakan bahan bakar kerosin dan biofuel dengan perbandingan 50:50. Sebanyak 40 orang termasuk petinggi KLM, Menteri Urusan Ekonomi Belanda Maria der Hoeven, Direktur WWF Belanda Johan van de Gronden, dan sejumlah wartawan turut serta dalam penerbangan ini.
Juru bicara KLM Monique Matze, seperti dikutip AFP mengungkapkan, pesawat Boeing yang digunakan memiliki empat mesin, 50 persennya menggunakan kerosin dan 50 persen menggunakan biofuel . Sementara biofuel yang digunakan berasal dari perkebunan camelina yang merupakan pemasok bahan bakar bagi perusahaan bioteknologi asal Seattle, AS. Penerbangan ini merupakan penerbangan komersial pertama kali yang menggunakan campuran biofuel . Matze mengemukakan, langkah ini jika dilakukan secara bersama-sama akan mengurangi emisi CO2 di udara.
Penggunaan energi terbarukan akan menjadi jawaban bagi kelangkaan energi di masa mendatang sekaligus upaya menekan polusi. Meskipun KLM masih mengkhawatirkan kestabilan suplai biofuel , yang jelas ini adalah langkah pertama untuk memperbaiki kualitas udara dan menyediakan transportasi udara yang ramah lingkungan.
Sebelum KLM, sejumlah maskapai penerbangan lain telah uji coba terbang menggunakan bahan bakar nabati ini. Sebut saja misalnya: Virgin, Air New Zealand, Air Japan, and Continental Airlines. Mereka menggunakan campuran biofuel jatropha (minyak jarak) atau algae (ganggang). wulan, ed: wachidah
Daun Mint Brasil Ringankan Rasa Sakit
SECANGKIR minuman dari daun 'hyptis crenata'--lebih populer dengan nama 'mint' brasil--dapat bekerja seperti obat peringan rasa sakit atau analgesik. Masyarakat Brasil sudah memanfaatkan tumbuhan itu sejak berabad-abad silam untuk mengatasi aneka masalah kesehatan mulai dari sakit kepala, sakit perut, hingga demam dan flu.
Sebuah tim peneliti dari Universitas New Castle, Inggris, membuktikan secara ilmiah khasiat tumbuhan itu. Tim yang dikomandoi Graciela Rocha mengadakan survei ke Brasil untuk mengetahui bagaimana daun 'mint' diolah dan seberapa banyak yang harus dikonsumsi.
Metode yang paling banyak dipakai adalah merebus daun 'mint' brasil kering selama 30 menit, lalu didinginkan sebelum diminum layaknya teh.
Tim Rocha menguji coba minuman itu pada tikus laboratorium. Hasilnya, ketika diberikan dalam dosis setara dengan yang biasanya diberikan para tabib tradisional, daun 'mint' brasil ampuh mengurangi rasa sakit.
Dr Beverly Collett, ketua Koalisi Kebijakan Penyakit Kronis di Inggris, mengatakan diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menemukan molekul-molekul yang terlibat. (EP/BBC News/X-6)
Minggu, 29 November 2009 00:01 WIB
Sebuah tim peneliti dari Universitas New Castle, Inggris, membuktikan secara ilmiah khasiat tumbuhan itu. Tim yang dikomandoi Graciela Rocha mengadakan survei ke Brasil untuk mengetahui bagaimana daun 'mint' diolah dan seberapa banyak yang harus dikonsumsi.
Metode yang paling banyak dipakai adalah merebus daun 'mint' brasil kering selama 30 menit, lalu didinginkan sebelum diminum layaknya teh.
Tim Rocha menguji coba minuman itu pada tikus laboratorium. Hasilnya, ketika diberikan dalam dosis setara dengan yang biasanya diberikan para tabib tradisional, daun 'mint' brasil ampuh mengurangi rasa sakit.
Dr Beverly Collett, ketua Koalisi Kebijakan Penyakit Kronis di Inggris, mengatakan diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk menemukan molekul-molekul yang terlibat. (EP/BBC News/X-6)
Minggu, 29 November 2009 00:01 WIB
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